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Dangerous Idiots: Greenpeace want to ban oil and gas companies from IT infrastructure
  • Greenpeace is calling on public cloud giants Amazon, Google and Microsoft to reinforce their commitments to tackling climate change by halting sales of their technologies to the oil and gas sector.

    The environmental campaign group made the plea as part of its response to news of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’ plans to invest $10bn of his own personal wealth into climate change-combating projects through his newly announced Earth Fund initiative.

    The initiative was, said Bezos in the Instagram post announcing the project, designed to tackle “the biggest threat to our planet”.

    Elizabeth Jardim, senior campaigner for Greenpeace USA, echoed comments made by some of Bezos’ own employees, who have banded together under the Amazon Employees for Climate Justice (AECJ) banner, that the initiative is welcome, but hypocritical.

    Small puppets of the ruling class just are afraid to tell you that it is not much more energy left, so they kind of "hunt" the energy producers to make "life better", aka just hide real truth.

  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • @kurth

    It will be always need for new resources. Pandemic can only temporary mask this.

  • If the pandemic hits the rest of the world , like it has hit china, there won't be any need for new petroleum resources.