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What do we know about the novel coronavirus?
  • 3274 Replies sorted by
  • You nailed it Kurt. Thank you.

  • @kurth

    I think you got things strange. It is not total fluff. It is real coronavirus, new thing among coronaviruses that caused similar complications. It is different in some regards.

    But lot of things in mass media narriative looks wrong. They do everything typical to mass propaganda and very little to form educated objective opinion. Lot of opponents are very low level also :-).

    Anybody showing exponential „case curves“ is deceiving or has been deceived: while the number of tests increases exponentially, the test-positive ratio remains constant in all countries examined, irrespective of measures taken.

  • @Vitaliy....I think you've done a great service to alot of good people where we can discuss this freely and openly. But, as well, I think that people , like jeo, that compare it to the flu are possibly doing harm to others who might because of his posts, not take it seriously. The political implications are something else entirely. And as you yourself are more than aware, those implications are completely based on what country one lives in. My opinion has always been to discuss the virus, and later we can worry about the political damage. I can't be concerned about something I might not survive to see. And ....just so you don't think it's aimed just at you, I'm dealing with alot of these people...some are even friends that I've known for years. Like I said ....normalcy bias works in both directions. Now it's working against alot of people who were right to not trust their govts about 911...and I could name another dozen other political conspiracies ( not the moon landings ) that have gone under the heads of 99% of the people, for example, like the okc Murrah building. But what I do everyday is try to find anecdotal personal experiences that give me as close to truth as possible under the circumstances. Of course msm is doing it's deal...but when you reach a threshold, and most stories are the same, you realize it's true.

  • @kurth

    Comparing it to flu is good thing, as it spreads similarly and have similar complications.

    Flu also has lot of statistics (and lot of it is mess). Present day showed that lack of complete PCR flu testing can be considered very heavy crime, as well as lack of real antiviral drugs (including individual drugs) progress.

    Here comes new virus, and we have complete informational attack, economies shutdown. And huge mess with statistics. No scientific discussion is present, only "shut up, we need ventilators and refrigerators".

    We also have lot of narrow specialists who can be good in operating ventilators in intensive care, but have no idea that can be result of using them in mass with this exact illness.

    My own personal opinion is that we have key points to look at. Tests, their origins and availability. Ventilators, their usage, origins of idea to use them in mass. Why people are stopping breathing, are they actually stopping breathing? What happened with oxygen concentrators usage, as normally in complications you do not have any necessity for ventilation, but lot of necessity in extra concentrated oxygen? Why we do not see strong advice to use proper masks and get oxymeters.

    Stuff just does not add up. We also saw big preparation compain in last 2 years and especially in last 5-6 months. Right before the storm almost all right wing sites had been thrown out of all main app markets and video platforms. And all of this had very little reason at the time.

  •'s the problems with coronavirus naysayers. Not one of them has had They're talking out the left side of their assholes. I haven't read one article by someone who was seriously affected by corona that says to not take it dead serious. Two...most are already, and have been for many years, conspiracy theorist, and being one of those myself, it's easy to see their intellectual flaws, although some think they're even immune from intellectual flaws. They've been doing it for so long...

    A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic. Stalin was being quoted as saying...

    I've been saying until it doesn't hits I can't know how it is. Until doesn't hits personally it's only statistics.

    My personal belief the truth it's always somewhere in the middle.

  • Present approach of counting coronavirus deaths if applied to herpes simplex woud yield a 90% death rate. :-) For many other bacteria and viruses it will be close numbers. Why they specifically select this one?

    My personal belief the truth it's always somewhere in the middle.

    Truth is never in the middle.

    Present media treat people as children, use simple words, simple explanations and treat them as dumb 8 year olds.

    And in additional we have science that is heavy corrupted by ruling class and serves him.

    May be in coming year this moment will be called "fatal mistake of capitalists". With people going out on the streets to celebrate and watch lot of them hanging on the trees along the road.

  • I say take all these ivory tower intellectuals drop them in the next Covid-19 hot spot and tell them to compile their data and get back to us next year if they survive. I'm sure they would avoid doing that like the plague, enough said! I've had the regular Flu very restful but I don't want Covid-19. It's simple, it's easily transmitted and we should have locked down hot spots way sooner than we did. Hugely mishandled here in the USA in particular which is why it is now an economic disaster. It's "Carousel" for all us old Science Fiction fans at risk. For you young ones go watch Logan's Run a Science Fiction classic.

  • The mainstream media it's like you say for litle cildren but that doesn't mean we can't extract anything of it it's actually the thing that we report to and the conspiracy there are so many and it needs time to see and select the truth so I'll stay close to what I've seen all my life no one has the absolute truth.

  • It's obvious no one knows the Rnaught...yet numbers out of China, and numbers out Italy...which, as well, aren't considering the unknown, undiscoverable cases..because they say many people are asymptomatic are even worse that Fauci claims. China claimed a 3.5% deathrate, and Italy is even higher. Fauci was obviously euphemistically presenting his case, because he's tied to his political chair.'s a pov I think is important. The nonsymptomatic cases are irrelevant . Read that again. These are people that will possibly show they've been exposed...but they didn't get sick. It might be genetic, it might be some other biological shield we don't understand. But because they've been exposed and didn't get sick, they shouldn't be included in calculating the Rnaught number. We should calculate that number based on people that have shown any level of symptomology...from light to severe to death. And that's pretty much how we arrived at the 80% of cases would not be critical number. Of course, nothing in life is a graph. Of those who don't have severe symptoms, many of those will and are suffering other negative effects. And there's many anomalies thru out the stats concerning age.

  • It is interesting that US lefty and right wing now are in conflict and it reflects some conflict deep inside ruling class. And now lefty sems to be perfoming attack on the foundation of right wing - small and medium business.

  • Italia

    Present local rumors are that total lockdown will continue at least to end of July.

    I am not sure that will be left of local economy.

  • make good points about masks and tests. My only response to the mask problem was that there weren't enough. And the tests are flawed at every level. Hopefully soon we'll have a simple diabetes-like test for antibodies. I've never thought swab tests were good for anything. Shit in, shit out....or buggers in and buggers out.

  • @kurth

    Masks problem is not just it is not enough of them. Masks problem is that we see goverments acting strange, full opposite for WW II time. WHo even today recommended people NOT to wear masks and instead just sit shaking in their kitchen looking at the empty fringe and numbers on the papers that they need to pay.

    For US govermen it is possible to rize production capacity of proper respirators (not one time masks!) to around 3-6 million a day in around 2 week time, and double in another month time. And in same time start making 400-500 million pairs of cotton filters for them per day.

    In next month all goverments must start making active assistance breathing devices as addons for this respirators with LiIon batteries.

    Yes, it'll be big project, lot of engineers involved. but it is that they must be doing, instead of all this shitty briefings and false promises. I mean, if all this is real big threat.

    It'll be huge optimism, real protection and economy will be constantly going up, slowly but steady.

    Instead we have real suicide. As if all of managers are incapable, but are afraid to jump out of the window to give normal people to run the show.

    Even if China it is pure horror. Where everyone is doing "mask" like things, lot of fake filters and try to profit from it. While goverment sit and looks.

  • Mordor update

    Our country made small randomized antibodies tests trial.

    They selected 226 people using proper random selection, none had any medical records concerning coronavirus related illness or had been tested using PCR.

    Out of 226 antibodies test showed that 11 already had this coronavirus. Or 5% of population.

    This actually stack up very good with information linsk and posts we have above.

  • Don’t know what is going on but it seems like nobody else does it neither....

    Certainly an interesting take on the problem:

    If questioning is forbbiden, if sceptics are prosecuted, then what is the name of that state of affair?

  • @Vitaliy.....that's called " in denial" ......Italian deathrate....12.2%, and a recap... ....@Brig...this video apparently is a cutout of a rudolf steiner talk. This guy doesn't even consider the bioweapons research source. Highly esoteric speculation is interesting but irrelevant to the truth.

  • @kurth

    We talked about Italian death rate, it can't be compared to other simialr viruses due the way they calc it.

    An international poll of thousands of doctors rated the Trump-touted anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine the best treatment for the novel coronavirus.

    Of the 6,227 physicians surveyed in 30 countries, 37 percent rated hydroxychloroquine the “most effective therapy” for combating the potentially deadly illness, according to the results released Thursday.

  • Last week, Twitter removed a tweet by Mr. Giuliani that said hydroxychloroquine was “100% effective” in treating Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. Facebook, YouTube and Twitter this week took down a video by Mr. Bolsonaro claiming that the drug “is working in all places.” YouTube later took down Dr. Zelenko’s video, saying it violated the site’s community guidelines.

    At least we now can see that this guy had been preparing to all last year.

  • Another outlier is Nicaragua, where the socialist government of Daniel Ortega has kept schools open and convened mass rallies. Rosario Murillo, Nicaragua’s vice president and its first lady, said on Sunday that the nation could not come to a standstill and that “with faith we can conquer fear.”

  • The United States has recorded nearly 1,200 deaths from COVID-19 in just 24 hours — the worst daily death toll for any country since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

  • Small business tragedy

    Only those companies that already have a lending relationship, i.e., an outstanding loan with a given bank are - at least as of this moment - able to apply for the rescue funds.

  • “I don’t know,” said Trump in response to a question asking where Dr Anthony Fauci is today. Fauci has not joined in the briefing today. “Whenever he’s not here,” Trump complained, “the fake news” will ask about him.

    Add here fast new oil talks to restore much more normal price. And hydroxychloroquine extreme fight.

    We can have something going on.