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Wishes for the GH6
  • 59 Replies sorted by
  • A good strategy for Panasonic would be:

    GH6: 9 megapixel sensor, 1,9:1 aspect ratio, 4096 x 2160 pixels, sensitivity version, 4k video, with 21,6mm diagonal sensor designed for video, and 36 megapixel high resolution photo mode. (GH6s)

    G10: 44 megapixel sensor, 4:3 aspect ratio, with 7680 x 5760 pixels, with 8k video hevc 16:9, and 176 megapixel high resolution photo mode.

    people who wants better low light 4k video would buy the GH6s and people who wants 8k video and better photo would buy the G10.

    Or it could be two versions of GH6: GH6s (sensitivity) and GH6r (resolution).

  • Global Shutter...pleeaaasssseeeee!!! :D

  • 33 megapixels is not that much comparing to current 20 megapixel. It would be less than a fstop difference in terms of noise. If GH5 and G9 can do good video up to iso 1600, the 33 megapixel m43 camera could do it with same amount of noise in iso 800 or 1000.

    A better sensor technology could keep the 33 megapixel sensor in the same amount of noise comparing to current 20 megapixel sensor, or even less noise.

    33 megapixels would be also very good for photo work.

    The sensor would need to be 7680 x 5760 in 4:3 aspect ratio, it would be 44 megapixels total. This way it would be 1 or 1 1/3 fstop difference in terms of noise.

    Another approach Panasonic could do is to follow the Sony philosophy and release a Sensitivity version, with only 9 megapixels, to do low light 4k video.

  • I think asking for 33 mpix and better dynamic range and less noise are mutually exclusive. So your asking for a giant leap in sensor tech perhaps to high an expectation

    He also asks about giant leap in fundamental physics. Just check such thing as QE (Quantum efficiency) of current sensors. You just can't have any "giant leaps" anymore.

  • @apefos I think asking for 33 mpix and better dynamic range and less noise are mutually exclusive. So your asking for a giant leap in sensor tech perhaps to high an expectation. But what the hell reach for the stars. I think you might be dead wrong on the autofocus issue as competitors give us better and better autofocus the failure that is DFD will be more apparent and people will leave for better systems.

    I am old enough that it use to be said stills autofocus was undependable and not for professionals. Until it became more dependable and faster than the best professional and it is taken for granted now. In time video will go thru the same evolution I'm sure and if Panasonic doesn't get there shit together they will fade.

    As to 8K I think we will have to see how many people have 4K tvs by 2018 lol. Otherwise your talking a tiny niche group. I think 8K will be 2020 maybe and they will have to find amazing sensor tech or accept it will only be on ultra expensive high end FF cameras.

  • After seeing the GH5 and the G9 specifications and features, I think there are only three things that can make people buy the GH6:

    1-a new sensor technology with more dynamic range and less noise

    2-a 33 megapixel sensor for photo/video with 8k video H265 HEVC

    3-HDR video in 4k combining two different exposures from the sensor

    a 33 megapixel sensor can do 8k video and 4k hdr video with two exposures.

    I think small upgrades like better EVF and LCD, two LCD, better autofocus and other things will not make people upgrade from GH5 and G9.

    NHK have plans to start broadcast 8k tv channel in japan in december 2018: so people will start buying 8k tv sets and monitors and a 8k mirrorless camera in 2019 will be welcome.

  • That was quick, here is Seans answer:

    Always happy to read and take the suggestions. Can't make any promises for implementation, but we do read them and pass them along to the relevant teams

  • Ok, I have send Sean Robinson a notification via facebook. I hope he reads it and finds it way here.

  • Maybe we can get Lumix rep from NJ HQ Sean Robinson to join this forum so he can push these ideas forward to Pany. If not, we can still forward this to him.

    You can post more, we can print them formal and hand them to consumer division at PhotoPlus.

    In addition to interview we plan.

    @driftwood may be the best connection via PV.

    Well, to be connection you need to communicate first, and Nick is not really master in it.

  • @IronFilm - You hit the nail on the head. Maybe we can get Lumix rep from NJ HQ Sean Robinson to join this forum so he can push these ideas forward to Pany. If not, we can still forward this to him. Many of our suggestions on various forums across the net have been heard by Panasonic and is what helped make the GH5 what it is today. @driftwood may be the best connection via PV.

  • My top wish above all else (I won't even care if they don't improve in any other way over the GH5):

    Electronic variable ND! (like the FS5 / FS7mk2)

    If it isn't possible to have both built in ND and a mechanical shutter, then I am 100% fine with the mechanical shutter being ditched (or even have two almost identical versions: GH6 with mechanical shutter, and a "GH6A" with ND instead).

    Punch'in focus while recording


    I ONLY want multi aspect ratio sensor.

    Agreed. Bring back the GH2! ;-)

    And/or a S35 sensor with a MFT.

    One final wild card wish: locking MFT mount.

    Quick note about what I don't care about: raw or higher than 4K resolutions.

    But before the next GH series comes, we will see one (or two?) G series updates first:

    Hopefully the next one will have: headphone port, 10bit internal, compatibility with DMW-XLR1, waveform monitoring, and not do anything dumb in going backwards from the G80/G85 (such as losing live HDMI monitoring during recording, which the G series finally got with the G80/G85).

  • For me it's simple: New sensor with 2 more stops of dynamic range

  • Har har har. Good one Vitaliy. There certainly IS a lot of crap videos on YouTube and Vimeo. ;-)

  • I want to see special AI mode that sends lower resolution video version to cloud and make analysis.

    And if you keep shooting crap it blocks camera completely and request $100 payment to unlock camera for another 10 hours of crap.

    I even want to extend it to make standard feature on all cameras.

  • RAW, RAW, RAW! Compressed RAW up to 60P @ 4k.

    Better low light capability. I agree with Celullo. Noise free at iso 12800.

    Better auto-focus in video mode.

    What we DO NOT NEED is 8k. Please Panasonic, do not make the GH6 an 8k camera. That would mean smaller photosites on the sensor and worse low lowlight performance. Your design philosophy should be to make the GH6 the best 4k video camera in the world!

  • Better sensor technology, better video focus, Multi aspect super 35 sensor with at least Pro lenses designed to cover it but keep ability to crop to normal m 4/3. I should say as close to super 35 that they can get maybe like Red Epic 20.7 wide but at the least GH2 18.8 vs current 17.3?

  • Maybe we can ask to Panasonic(petition) to add to the GH5 the a High Res Mode like the OM-D E-M5 Mark II (40-million-pixel JPEG images or 64-million-pixel raw file with a tripod)

  • Now I understand, the GH5 ex tele works in 4k, but the G7 the ex tele is just full hd.

    But I prefer a sensor with less pixels and better low light without extele.

  • @apefos - exTele DOES work in 4k/UHD - gives about a 1.4x TC value

  • the ex tele is just fullhd, it is not 4k, and it does not improve low light.

  • @apefos So you never use ex tele? I'm actually pretty fond of it - it gives me an entire extra set of lenses when I'm out.

  • multiaspect sensor with 21,6mm diagonal in cine mode, with only 9megapixels = 4k resolution, to improve low light performance. video oriented camera, not photo camera. = GH6s (s=sensitivity, like sony)

  • Wishes :

    Internal ND filter

    Very large EVF

    Clean LowLight up to 12800

    Video pre-rec abilities

    Punch'in focus while recording

    Compressed RAW for video

    4 tracks audio (2 internal + 2 ext)

  • Gh6.

    Two versions.

    Classic and avantgard


    Super 35 sensor with m4/3 crop and mount.

    Compressed raw Aka C200.

    6g Sdi out.


    None of the above.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev i agree.. i was about to buy the gh5 ima gonna wait then....

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