Black Specifications
Session specifications
GoPro HERO5 Black for $249
GoPro Certified Refurbished HERO5 Session for $119
Hero5 Session still available for $199
Just wonder if any-one has had experience getting 120fps out of the HDMI on the GoPro(any_version)?
I have read that it can do 120fps in 720p mode, but can't find out if it can do 120fps.
(I am working on upgrading a video installation of ours and would like to push it to 120fps) :-O
This video seems to describe the main audio issue with the Hero5: If you take the side door off the audio suffers remarkably...
There are other audio issues as we shall see, but the complaints in general is if you use the Hero5 with the Karma Grip (where the side door must be taken off).
First of all, the Hero5 has a microphone just besides the side door opening. This is bound to pick up extra motor noise from the gimbal motor. But the main issue is the muffled audio as soon as the side door is off.
Assuming there is no sensor which detects the missing door and thus the audio processing changes, my best guess is that when the side door is gone the sound also travels to the side microphone (or to the rear of it) through the connector openings and thus the combined input confuses the audio processing (maybe perhaps to use max wind cut etc). Something is definitely happening. This should be fixable with a firmware update... I.e.only use the top microphone.
Also, there are other audio issues withe the Hero5 not found before.
First of all beeing waterproof without the housing means that every mic (and the speaker) is waterproof by design or covered by some membrane to protect it from the water. This might cause the easy to pick up camera body audio which seems to happen a lot. And also cut some hight frequency detail in the sound making it more muffled.
Furthermore the frame which comes with the Hero5 effectively blocks most of the microphone openings by design. People seem to gt better audio when they drill holes in the Hero5 frame to expose the microphones directly to the sound in the air.
Price dropped to $349
Even better deal
GoPro - HERO5 Black 4K Action Camera + $60 Gift Card + SanDisk Extreme PLUS 64GB Memory Card at $399
GoPro Hero5 Black Action Camera + $50 eBay Gift Card, $399
I think they just want to sell as much as possible with least expenses for now.
We got fucked in Europe.
Seems like the Karma Drone And Stabilization Grip is delayed - at least in Europe.
Prfeviously the GoPro site said Oct 23 fopr the grip, but this changed on monday for "Comming Soon".
Any more details on the delay?
Do you still need the frame to mount the camera? The Sony has the tripod hole right on it - it's on the bottom, but the power port and the hdmi port and the external mic port are in the back behind a door, so no mount gets in the way of complete access.
I got the Hero 5 Black. It is actually a fantastic little piece of equipment. At first I thought they had removed the external power port and HDMI connector. However, it is hidden under a clever but sort of flimsy connector. They also mad that little hidden door removable.
We lost battery access and Memory card access when it has the "Frame" on it though. That might be a deal killer for me. I might try to modify my "Frame" but it may not work.
I will try to do a tutorial video on it. I lost my voice(So SICK) though so it will all be text based speech.
I also picked up a Samsung Note 7 and an iPhone 7+ for my daughter. It will be nice to compare those as well.
Interesting to see your feedback.
Going to get my hero 5 in a few minutes. Does anyone have any questions about it that they want answered?
@BlueBomberTurbo thank you, that makes more sense.
I would be interested to see\know the videos that I have seen so far of the gorpo with the karma stabilzation those videos show how good the gimbal is or are the videos based on the stabilzation coming from both the gimbal and the hopro 5 itself? I would like to see a video of the karma gimbal and a gopro 4 to see if the stabilzation looks as good if you dont have it in the cam itself...
I understand why some people would want really good stabilization. However, I really wasn’t seeing outstanding stabilization in the sample videos for the Sony.
As for my needs. Yes absolutely they are very specialized. I fully understand that no one else uses it the way I use it. However, I want to clarify exactly what I use it for. I am not using it for highlight videos anymore. Instead it is being used as a replay camera for appeals during climbing competitions.
We want to use as few cameras as possible so having high resolution super wide angles is a must for us. For my needs the GoPro5 works perfectly. For skiing or skateboarding I would definitely have a look at the Sony instead.
Does anyone know when the GoPro5 will be available to buy in stores like Best Buy?
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