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Apple: Story of Idiots
  • “I think if you’re looking at a PC, why would you buy a PC anymore? No really, why would you buy one?”, asks Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive.

    Well, Tim, because it is extremely powerful, modular, cheap, mass produced thing that have 99.9% of software we need.

  • 5 Replies sorted by
  • Well, Tim, because it is extremely powerful, modular, cheap, mass produced thing that have 99.9% of software we need.

    Which actually makes the opposite point of the one you made. Apple is brilliant, it's the people who buy them that aren't.

  • @bannedindv +1

    Everybody better act quick and sell their desktops to buy the new iPad Pro! According to Apple this is everything that you need, you don't need a computer anymore because now you can draw on it using Illustrator Draw, Photoshop Mix. LOL

  • +1 They are now only producing un-upgradable products (hardware-wise). Designed obsolescence.

  • +1 bannedindv They are now only producing un-upgradable products (hardware-wise). Designed obsolescence.

  • I just bought a Dell xps15 because of the arrogance of Apple.

    I don't think they are stupid - but very arrogant, and subservient of shareholders as opposed to the user. Even if Jobs was a dick at times, he had the users in mind over the shareholders - and because of his actions shareholders also benefitted.