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Happy New 2015 Year topic
  • Wish every member,
    active or not,
    To always remember
    during the shoot -
    Cameras cold,
    And girls always hot!

    All the best in coming year.

    Year will be complex and not so easy, but I am sure that such smart guys that we have here will be good.

  • 16 Replies sorted by
  • hi Vitaliy and all member Happy new year ! I got a Gh2 but never hack it ! I am interested to hack with Sanity X on the 24P H and L. But before i like to know what i could used for time-laps i saw you have something in 2 frame per secound and something running on 1080i but in P ? do you mean you have a way to transform the interlace to P also ? In variable speed it's possible to do 1 frame for T-Laps ? BTW this year i start making my own film scanner and he will capture frame by frame my best film footage i did in 16mm in Africa when i was a teen and i like to used my GH 2 for this also. Any recommendation ! or tip oh I like to try few pentacon-Six lens prime and a lomo call foton 37 to 140mm with. Samuel best regards

  • Good riddance to 2014. I hope 2015 and beyond will be far tamer on the geopolitical stage, but it's hard to avoid an overwhelming sense of doom.

    On a personal level I'm going to try to blot out the news media and internet a lot more, because it's just too distracting for me. I think that if anybody wants to do creative endeavors in their life, now is the time to pursue them.

  • Somewhere around 300 ad of the gregorian calendar, a group of elder mayans were sitting around chewing magic mushrooms, celebrating a new tzolkin. They told the youngsters, don't worry...our slash-and-burn crops have lasted many thousand suns. Our fish canals are always full. And according to our wisest astrologers, we have many haabs left in the great year.

    They watched the fire smoke from the forest, assuring a good harvest. They ground corn and ate a young chihuahua , tenderest meat...better than monkey. But rainfall was down, and next years corn was without kernals. And the constant acid runoff from slash-and-burn was invisibly poisoning the fish canals. And the little of this they knew, they discarded like chicken bones.

    They were far more interested in the great ball games to covet more slaves, and in more turquoise beads and quetzal plumes on their headgear. And of course, the prophecies of their wise men gave them solace, "our long count has a million more moons" , which made them drunk with pride. They thought , our cities are taller than mountains and reach the clouds ....we are exemplary, immune from natures vengeance.

  • you may be good with technical issues regarding camera gear, but your philosophy of life needs some work

    Problem is that it is not "philosophy of life". It is prediction based on facts and reality observations.

  • If you ask me - we just crossed the peak, all the rest for long long time will be road going down and down.

    you may be good with technical issues regarding camera gear, but your philosophy of life needs some work. this is like jean-paul sartre meets the grim reaper meets the book of revelations. we're all trapped in hell forever and ever and there's no way out.

    i'll try to make a point to help you out with that over the coming year... but only if you cut me a really good deal on gear. he he.

  • Thanks V for a great site and a great hack. It helped even the score in a world where scores are not so easily evened !

    And about the coming "mess"...yes it's coming, but if you don't really need anything "they" have to offer, then whatever the banksters do won't hurt...just enjoy the little space of blue sky above your head and keep your and your families souls clean. The winner is always the survivor.

  • Not much else to say to that other than amen. Vitaliy, thanks so much for hosting this forum and working on all the deals, etc. for us. And to everyone, lurker or not, thanks for making this forum what it is: a useful, intelligent resource and community. I wish the best for all of you in 2015 and onwards.

  • Yes. Winter is coming.

  • Actually I think 2015 will be a mess, and it is just the beginning of even more mess for many years

    If you ask me - we just crossed the peak, all the rest for long long time will be road going down and down.

  • "Year will be complex and not so easy, but I am sure that such smart guys that we have here will be good."

    Actually I think 2015 will be a mess, and it is just the beginning of even more mess for many years.

    But yeah, since hope springs eternal in the human breast; Man never is, but always to be blessed: The soul, uneasy and confined from home, Rests and expatiates in a life to come.

    So I wish everybody all the best for 2015, and the rest.

  • Happy Hew Year to all who follow the Gregorian calendar! ;-)

  • Happy new year CET :)

  • Happy new year to all.

  • Mmm, lost the format of my stanza. It's the cold that does it.

  • Just to remember behind of the lens
    On every occasion it’s not always mens
    If a female DP then this one’s for you
    Have a happy new year and brilliant shoots too

  • What lovely poem @VK :P
    @all good and like the clown said aaaaaauuuuUUUUU!!!!

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