You can find that Rokkor for around 50 U$…
why should I run around with such weight? It's so rare you need that length on MFT.
@nomad yeah it almost seems foolish... truth is, as soon as I wake up I like to exercise trying to handheld focus my neighbours shower soap with heaviest possible 500mm :P
Now seriously, someone wants to sell a Telyt-R (never heard of it before) for 250€, so I got curious and curiosity it's mostly an irrational thing. Luckily you guys rock!! I'll check that Minolta, big thanks for feedback ,-)
Never used that one, why should I run around with such weight? It's so rare you need that length on MFT.
There is an excellent Minolta 200mm 4.0 – much cheaper, lighter and very good. There's a test here, commentary is in German, but you can still see the pics and names:
Scroll down a lot, the modern version is the only one you'll want. The last prime before the zooms is the one I recommend.
Out of curiosity, I'd like to ask you guys if Leica R Leitz Telyt-R 250mm f4 mounted on µFT, other than very very heavy, is still good by today standards?
I've read somewhere that was manufactured for the navy use and thus optimised for working at faraway (4,5m min focus distance?)... with almost 1 and 1/2Kg it's a torpedo all right. Also what is difference between the first and second gen, other than the non rotating tripod collar and weight? Any thoughts comrades?
Yes. Contax C/Y version.
@nomad are you meaning the 50mm 1.4 and 85mm 1.4 Zeiss Planar?
What's wrong with those?
I switched from older Leica (M) lenses to Contax Zeiss and love them, currently I own the 28mm 2.8, the 50mm 1.4 and the 85mm 1.4. Wonderful glass! Still trying to chase down a 35mm 1.4, but they are difficult.
I got rid of the Leicas because M (rangefinder) lenses are too small for cine accessories and the widest ones have difficulties with electronic sensors (short flange distance). Leica-R is the cure for this, but I could never afford a similar set of Leica-R instead of the Contax glass. Well, maybe prices are different over here, but the same set of Leica-R would have cost me about twice as much, people started to hunt them down when RED One became popular. C/Y Zeiss lenses are still considerably cheaper.
The Zeiss' offer great micro-contrast (aka 3D pop) and most nevertheless have a pleasing bokeh. Plus, I think they breathe a bit less than their Leica counterparts. Build quality is perfect with both brands, for sure. If there is anything to differentiate them image wise, I'd say Zeiss images are a bit more "into your face" while Leica (and the Minolta counterparts) are a tad creamier. But you'd be hard pressed to see such minor differences in cinematography with 1920 x 1080…
which "set" of leica's do you preffer? i might switch to leica.
at the moment i own a contax zeiss set 28, 50, 85, 135 all 2.8 except the 50mm
Well, I have both.
The 24 is tack sharp, one of the sharpest lenses from the whole Minolta line. It's a design shared with Leica.
The 28 is a tad softer, but sometimes I need the extra stop.
@nomad no, sorry, I meant 24/2.8 or 28/2.0, because these two are the good ones, aren't they? I want one of them to be my "Normal F" length...
Minolta? The 2.0, that's why I sold my 2.8.
which one do you prefer, 24/2.8 or 28/2.0?
No, it was not sold in Leica version AFAIK. But it's a great lens. At 2.8 it's better than the 28mm 2.8 wide open.
When I got a 2.0 for a decent price, I sold my 2.8.
Another fantastic lens in that class is the Zeiss Contax 28mm 1:2.8, you can still find it for less than 300 €, maybe 250 if you are lucky. The Zeiss 2.0 OTOH is massively overpriced.
was the Minolta 28mm F2 also cloned by Leica? Anybody has experience with this lens?
@andres do you think this is a good buy? The lens has a very small nick in the front element. I have the chance to get it at a lower price than the one listed.
Yes, the 28mm 1:2.5 is known, but it's an older design with radioactive glass and prone to yellowing. Rather get the newer 28mm 1:2.8, it's better.
@nomad you are totally right, sorry, that was a mistake. But the one in the shop was a Minolta 28mm 2.5 and here is the link to a review:
It's not by Minolta, it's stated clearly: "Minolta MD Mount 24mm F2.5 Wide Angle Lens by Quantaray".
Never heard of that brand…
@nomad sorry, here is the right link to the 2.5 by Minolta, I also had it in my hand at my local dealer, its bigger than the 2.8, don't know if this has anything to do with Leica...:
There is one made by Tamron, not by Minolta.
@nomad thanks, here is a minolta 24mm 2.5:
@gameb That is a 24mm 2.8 and it's good. There never was a 24mm 2.5 to my knowledge.
Another one is at about 22 € right now, but four days to go…
I have the LEICA ELMAR 50mm f/2.8. Still have not tested it on a digital camera but on 35mm it's an excellent lens. Portability is a plus. I think you can get it quite cheap.
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