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R.I.P. Robin Williams and Lauren Bacall
  • Surprised no one would say anything, as this guy was a force of nature,
    a good actor and a truly compassionate funny and most histrionic being.

    Well, for sure no more suffering for Mr. Williams in this life, 1951–2014



                                                                                                                              gashô                 gashô                 gashô


    ... Meanwhile, farewell also to Lauren Bacall (1924–2014), what a gorgeous talented cat-eyes chick



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    800 x 1002 - 238K
  • 8 Replies sorted by
  • Eerie Coincidences Before Robin Williams Death.

    In a bizarre coincidence, a Family Guy episode featuring Robin Williams which included a failed suicide attempt aired minutes before the announcement of the actor’s death. Here is the chilling coincidence.

  • Unbelievable. Such good actor.

  • Mrs Doubtfire, Good Morning Vietnam, Dead Poets Society - all the 'commercial successes' are the ones getting all the credit - growing up a kid in the early eighties, it's underrated gems that paved the way for his career and development as an actor like Popeye (yes, Popeye by Robert Altman no less), Moscow On The Hudson, and The World According to Garp that I most remember him for. Amazing range in those - iconic cartoon character, Russian immigrant in NYC, and hero of an epic novel adaptation.

  • This interview in the Guardian from 2010 makes it more clear what was going on with Robin Williams.

  • Maybe that's just what they want. A story with perfect fit ! But, I'm just alittle confused ! Exactly how does someone strangle themselves with a belt on the floor ? Knowing enough rudimentary biology, wouldn't the subject simply loose consciousness and stop tugging ?

  • I'm guessing Robin Williams suffered with depression all of his life. It's also quite possible he was genetically predisposed to it. A lot of people in the performing arts seem to be prone to it. It makes you wonder of there's a correlation between performing (or the ability to do it) and mental illness. He's a classic example of someone who seemed to have it all, but in sad reality he had nothing that could keep him going. Mental illness is such a taboo subject in the U.S. loaded with stigma and embarrassment (which is so unfortunate considering how prevalent it is). Robin William's death helps prove everyone, no matter their fame or fortune, is not immune to this crippling disease. It's tragic and very sad that a man with his genius could not have enjoyed inner happiness.

  • Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed, life is harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in threatening world. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. The great clown Pagliacci is in town. Go see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears."But doctor" He says, "I am Pagliacci."

    “I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone, it’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel alone.” — Robin Williams, RIP

  • I was surprised that amongst the movies he was a main actor in, the one that I liked best was kind of never mentioned by all the obituary writers: World's Greatest Dad. Tragically, his death seems to resemble the other main actors death in this movie quite a lot.

    Apart from that, it's sad to see yet another talented actor is to be added to the list of those who died after many years of drug/alcohol abuse. Do we know why actors so easily become addicts?