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    Mordor: Fertility
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      Note that it is Russia only fertility, not including any other USSR areas.

    9 comments 10 comments Vitaliy_KiselevAugust 2021Last reply - August 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Good quote: On energy and reality
    • 85% of the world's energy balance is covered by hydrocarbons. In developed Europe - 75%. At the same time, almost a billion people in the world do not have access to electricity at all, and 2.5 billion cook food on an open fire. And we are being told in all seriousness that all of humanity in almost 20 years will switch to energy, which is still extremely expensive. For ten years now, we have been hearing that soon no one will need oil, but if we take consumption over these 10 years, it grew by 13% without 2020, and gas - by 25%.

      K. Simonov

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    War: Cuba slowly sliding to capitalism
    • The Council of State of Cuba has passed legislation regulating the creation and operation of small and medium-sized companies with up to 100 employees. "We continue to take decisive steps to update the economic model" of the republic, said the president of the republic, Miguel Diaz-Canel on Saturday, August 7th.

      In February, the Cuban authorities decided to attract private business to the state economy, opening up most industries for small entrepreneurs and self-employed. About 600 thousand out of 11.33 million inhabitants are engaged in private entrepreneurship.

      In USSR early steps had been identical to this.

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    Digital camera market share in 2020 by Nikkei
      1. Canon 47.9% (+2.5%)
      2. Sony 22.1% (+1.9%)
      3. Nikon 13.7% (-4.9%)
      4. Fujifilm 5.6% (-0.3%)
      5. Panasonic 4.4% (-0.3%)
    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevAugust 2021Last reply - August 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Mordor: Professional breeders families coming
    • Currently, large families in the Russian Federation make up 6.5% of all families with children, but almost 20% of all Russian children grow up in them. In order for the population in the Russian Federation to at least remain and not decrease, the number of large families in the country should increase by 7 times by 2035 and make up about half of all Russian families. This is a kind of categorical demographic imperative for the Russian state and society.

      Despite the still cultivated attitudes towards having few children, moreover, maintaining the state of actually forced small children, the specified target increase in the number of large families is quite possible. In any case, the main tool and driver of demography in Russia is the directed increase in the number of large families with the help of all possible cultural, humanitarian, social, financial and economic efforts of the state and society.

      In essence, this presupposes the transfer of the social stratum (stratum) of large families from the state of only an object of social protection to the state of the elite social stratum of Russia. However, for this, it is necessary to legislatively define and ensure, by analogy with the federal laws "On the status of military personnel" (N 76-FZ) or "On the status of a member of the Federation Council and the status of a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation" (N 3-FZ), the special status of large families families as a national treasure and the main resource of positive demography.

      It is the introduction of a special status for large families as the elite of the Russian population that constitutes the essence and novelty of the proposed bill.

      New law coming that allow such families to have huge subsidies exceeding their usual income and turning them into professional breeders.

    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevAugust 2021Last reply - August 2021 by endotoxic Subscribe to this blog
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    MAGA: Evictions Moratorium Battle
    • On June 9, the US Supreme Court, by a split of 5 to 4, rejected the Alabama District Court's decision upholding the landlord association's claim to lift the eviction moratorium, which was issued by the CDC. Supreme Court Justice, Tram's appointee, Brett Cowano, commented on the decision on behalf of the majority:

      “I agree with the District Court and the applicants that the CDC has exceeded its existing legal authority by declaring a nationwide moratorium on evictions. By Congress to Help Tenants, I vote to overturn the District Court's decision to suspend it. For the CDC to extend the moratorium beyond July 31, clear and specific congressional approval will be required through new legislation. "

      On July 29, White House Press Secretary Jane Psaki issued a statement indicating that “President Biden would strongly support the CDC's decision to further extend the moratorium on evictions. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court has made it clear that this option is no longer available. " "In light of the Supreme Court decision, the President is urging Congress to immediately extend the moratorium on evictions to protect vulnerable tenants and their families."

      On Monday August 2, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Biden had asked the CDC on Sunday to consider extending the moratorium by 30 days, but the agency "could not find a legal basis for a new, targeted eviction moratorium."

      However, on August 3, the CDC still issued a directive declaring a moratorium on evictions until October 3, 2021, citing an outbreak of COVID-19 strain Delta.

      The new moratorium on evictions provides criminal penalties for landlords who will evict tenants. So the document states that an eviction that "does not lead to death" can be punishable by a fine of up to $ 100,000 and one year in prison. Eviction that "resulted in death" is punishable by a fine of up to $ 250,000 and one year in prison. For organizations, fines are $ 200,000 and $ 500,000, respectively.

      According to the National Housing Coalition, about 6 million tenants could be homeless. According to researchers from the Aspen Institute, given the composition of the family, this is approximately 15 million people. The eviction of such a number of people, in a short time, would definitely lead to a social explosion, which cannot be allowed.

      Nice, everyone want to make it infinite. I am for 100% prohibition of any renting of homes.

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