All made in Udio.
It is very naive to think that it is possible to allow business into the life of society and avoid war. Business itself produces war, having been sucked up like a bedbug, it faces a situation when it cannot function without war - without war, its profits fall, investment portfolios collapse, and there is a crisis of overproduction. The market economy is INVESTED in wars, because war is situation of UNLIMITED demand. You produce two hundred helicopters, and they are shot down the very next day. And you need two hundred more, or better yet, five hundred. You've produced a million blankets, and they're burned in warehouses in a matter of weeks, lost, tattered by millions of soldiers. You produce shells, which are needed more and more every day, and the more successful the war, the more they need (the consumption of ammunition at the end of any war is significantly higher than at the beginning). And so on. No one was so saddened by the end of WWI and WWII as businessmen. Lenin didn't say that "capitalism is war" to make a point. It is simply a statement of fact that war is an integral part of the market economy and without wars it does not function, or if it does, it functions as an exception and for a very short time, until it carves out a club larger than competitors.
Note that Korean manufacturers are like mafia as they coordinate prices and have huge margins (on large OLED screen it can be 300-500%).
Very old concept made by guys very similar to Digital Bolex team.
Lot of strange decisions, like 43 sensor for FF cameras. Very strange kit made by some drunk person, I believe.
Sad thing is that simple cheap solutions exist, ZCam is using $4-5 CPUs from security cameras for their expensive models.
Wish you all the best. This, of course, means destruction of capitalism.
Always remember - frequently you miss most valuable sources of information, thinking that it is no big deal.
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