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    War: Honor is not Huawei, kind of
    • After splitting from Huawei, Honor is no longer subject to US sanctions. The company has renewed contracts with key suppliers of smartphone chipsets, and users are eagerly awaiting the return of Google services to the company's devices. And the wait was not long at all. The Honor 50 series will mark the return of Google services to the company's smartphones.

      Information about the return of Google services to Honor smartphones is official and comes from the German division of the company. In one of the threads on Twitter, a user asked whether the company's smartphones based on the Snapdragon 778G chipset will receive Google services. The official account of the German representative office of Honor answered this question in the affirmative.

      At least with Trump it did not looked like mad house, only as circus.

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    War: Shakespeare as white supremacist
    • Experts have considered William Shakespeare's plays "controversial" because of their reference to the connection between skin whiteness and beauty, according to the Daily Telegraph. According to the publication, the London Globe Theater has launched a series of seminars called "Anti-racist Shakespeare" aimed at "decolonizing" the author's plays and removing obstacles that may interfere with their perception or performance.

      In the first workshop of the cycle, scholars "deconstructed" the comedy "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and discovered "controversial gender and racial dynamics." Experts, in particular, said that in Shakespeare's poetry, a “binary system of opposing the dark and the light” is being created, in which the dark is assigned a negative role, and the white or “light” is a positive one.

      Expect more to come.

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    Mad Greta: You should eat boiled grass and similar stuff
    • Climate campaigner Greta Thunberg launched an appeal on Saturday for a change in food production and consumption in the face of repeated crises threatening the world.

      "The climate crisis, ecological crisis and health crisis -- they are all interlinked," Thunberg said in a video posted on social media for international biodiversity day.

      "Millions have died from Covid-19, Zika, Ebola, West Nile fever, SARS, MERS, HIV-AIDS," *as viruses jump from animals to humans**, "The way we farm and treat nature cutting down forests and destroying habitats, we are creating the perfect conditions for diseases to spill over from one animal to another -- and to us,"

      "If we keep making food the way we do we will also destroy the habitats of most wild plants and animals driving countless species to extinction," Thunberg added.

      "They are our life supporting system if we lose them we will be lost too."

      "When we think about the villains of the climate crisis of course we picture fossil fuel companies but agriculture and land use together are about one quarter of our emissions this is huge,".

      "It doesn't have to be like this. If we change towards a plant-based diet we could save up to eight billion tons of CO2 every single year."

      Meet new Fascists.

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMay 2021Last reply - May 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Good quote: Steinbeck on present moment and near future
    • I remember the 29th well. Everything worked out (not for me, but for the majority). I remember the drugged and happy faces of people who made fortunes in stocks they would never have made. “I made ten thousand in ten minutes today! Estimate - that's eighty thousand in a week. " In our wilderness, bank presidents and railroad workers have cut off telephones by calling brokers. Everyone was a broker. At lunchtime, clerks and stenographers chewed sandwiches, followed the quotes and calculated their winnings, growing like a pyramid. Their eyes were like those of casino players.

      Then came the panic. And the panic gave way to a dull shock. When the market collapsed, factories, mines, workshops ... Everything was closed. Nobody could buy anything. Even food. People looked like they had been muzzled. The newspapers talked about the broken lives of those who threw themselves out of the window. On the sidewalk, they literally crashed ... Then people rushed to withdraw money. Riots and clashes with the police broke out. Frightened and furious stormed the bank offices until the doors were closed tightly. As in the days of Marie Antoinette, President Hoover invited the unemployed to sell apples. Businessmen panicked, banks panicked, workers demanded to open factories, but no one needed the goods. People began to stock up on food - as before the invasion. Local power passed to the gangsters.

      John Steinbeck

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    Capitalism: On civil war
    • Many sympathize with the socialist revolution, but fear a civil war. In fact, they have nothing to fear, because a civil war, within the framework of the capitalist paradigm, is always going on. It does not stop for a minute.

      This is not even a war, but a massacre. When the people are subjected to continuous robbery and terror by a handful of greedy thugs who seized power and are fattening at the expense of the rest of the population.

      The civilian casualties in this war are enormous and irreparable. This merciless carnage has been going on for many years. The number of the ordinary hard working people, within the framework of the capitalist paradigm, not only does not grow, but decreases by hundreds of thousands of people annually even in highly developed countries. Making victims numbers already in the tens of millions.

      We must clearly understand that the ruling class, from the point of view of the oppressed classes, is no better than foreign invaders. They have the same goals and the same methods. Both those and others kill, rob and rape the people. Therefore, a revolution, a class war, is not just a civil war, it is a social liberation war, a war of the oppressed against their oppressors. And it doesn't matter what kind of oppressor these are, the same nationality or some other. They are the same bastards, exactly the same.

      Thus, a class war is not just a civil war, not a war of some citizens, for power over other citizens. For the communists, this is not a power struggle for themselves. For them, first of all, it is a struggle for power for the people. This is the end of the endless war of the ruling classes against the oppressed.

      Class war is a battle of the oppressed classes themselves against their oppressors. The battle is for freedom for yourself and for your children. This is a battle of honest people with notorious scum who want to build their own personal paradise from hell for everyone else.

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    War: Auto chips shortages had been caused artificially
    • Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd (TSMC) said on Friday that it has increased its 2021 output for a key component for automotive semiconductors by 60per cent compared with last year, amid a global chip shortage.

      TSMC, the world's largest contract chipmaker, said it had taken "unprecedented actions" to help automakers.

      That includes reallocating capacity to other industries that are also experiencing "stressfully high demand due to the acceleration of digital transformation".

      "With a fixed short-term capacity, TSMC managed to increase 2021 output for MCUs (microcontrollers), one of the key components in automotive semiconductor products, by 60 percent over the 2020 level," it said.

      This represents a 30 percent increase over the 2019 pre-pandemic level, the company added.

      Now it become clear that lot of auto chip manufacturers got orders to stop production, to allow transfer to TSMC, as big prices of such chips allowed TSMC to get extra funds that it needs for 4nm and further processes.

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    MAGA: 22 states cancel COVID jobless payments
    • The $300 weekly federal unemployment benefit deprives Americans of the incentive to work and increases labor shortages, Republicans say. Republican governors in 22 US states have announced the abolition of the $300 weekly federal unemployment benefit. According to them, this financial aid is discouraging Americans from returning to work.

      Now the pendulum will move to opposite state.

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