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War: Natizm in Sweden
  • Anti-Russian sentiments in the form of everyday Russophobia, including corresponding publications in the media, have been quite common in Sweden in recent years. After the start of a special military operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine and protect the DPR and LPR, the Russian diaspora in Sweden faced unprecedented pressure, threats and discrimination based on language and nationality.

    Russian born citizens are being openly persecuted for refusing to publicly condemn the actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Cases of dismissal from work on ethnic grounds have become more frequent. There is a virtual isolation of managers and employees of small and medium-sized enterprises and public organizations associated with our country. In the context of large-scale anti-Russian propaganda, interpersonal ties are being destroyed, including relations between spouses in mixed families. It has become unsafe to speak Russian in public places and on transport.

    Russian-speaking students face manifestations of hatred on the part of other students with the connivance of the administrations of educational institutions (one of the reasons is the classes on Ukrainian topics held in schools). At the same time, children of not only Russians, but also children from other former Soviet republics are being persecuted. Attempts by parents to turn to the leadership of educational institutions to prevent bullying are not always successful.