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War: TOR and VPN on protocol level blocking started in Russia
  • Largest provider - Rostelecom started protocol level blocking for TOR. I can see severe issues already, still working but much worse.

    Yesterday and today multiple regions performed protocol level block for all major VPN protocols, organizations and people will be required to apply for special exclusion list as it seems. So all VPN for usual users will be not allowed.

  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • “According to the law “On Communications”, means of bypassing blocking of illegal content are recognized as a threat. The Center for Monitoring and Management of the Public Communications Network is taking measures to limit VPN services in Russia that violate Russian law,” the press service of Roskomnadzor said.

    Oleg Matveychev, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications, said that Russians use VPN services to access prohibited information. In this regard, it became necessary to block them in the country.

  • Separation hurts only at first.

    Is the memory who trick us into remembering.