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Capitalism: Ukraine taking lead, less communists, more cold homes
  • Ukrstat reported that 142.2 TWh of electricity was produced in the country in 2020. Which is 6.6% less than in 2019. Electricity consumption in Ukraine according to Interfax-Ukraine with reference to the Ministry of Energy in 2020 decreased by 2.6% compared to the same period in 2019 - to 146.4 TWh.

    Production at thermal power plants decreased by 5.5%, at nuclear power plants by 8.2%, at hydroelectric power plants by 3.9%. But on wind and solar it grew, respectively, by 10.8% and 6.0%.

    The peak of electricity production in Ukraine was in 1990 - 298.8 TW * h. Thus, Ukraine has finally officially reached an amazing indicator - a literal halving of the volume of electricity generation.

    Almost all coal, oil and nuclear power plans fuel went to more "democratic" countries, as they need it more and can print money - mostly Western Europe, and Ukraine citizens go to EU to work like unqualified workers, hookers and wipe shit from old EU citizens asses.

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  • Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a decree to full ban three opposition channels and cancel their broadcasting - 112, NewsOne and ZIK. He stated that this decision was made within the framework of the “fight in the information war for the truth”: “Ukraine strongly supports freedom of speech. Not propaganda funded by an aggressor country that undermines Ukraine on its way to the EU and Euro-Atlantic integration. The struggle for independence is a struggle in the information war for truth and European values. " The closure of the channels was approved by the US Embassy in Kiev: “The US supports the efforts to counter the malicious influence of Mordor, which Ukraine made yesterday to protect sovereignty and territorial integrity in accordance with its legislation”

    Finally, all fighters for freedom of speech are open and clear. It just means their freedom and everyone else to shut up.