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ProSya free plugins
  • The past year, I got back into programming and am now making plugins - I sell the commercial ones for 20$ each. I will also offer a list of plugins for free. The first batch work for After Effects on Windows.

    ProjectInfo Effect :- ProjectInfo Effect allows the user to view all the Project settings and media metadata in a single viewer. To use it, download exiftool - and save in a convenient location on your hdd.

    Importer Effect :- Importer Effect provides the ability to import certain unsupported file formats. Unsupported formats include SVG, PPM, PGM, PBM, XBM, XPM and HTML. JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP support is included in order to support quick operations on these files.

    Matte Effect :- Matte Effect is a free effect that creates a boolean bitmap. Certain effects require the usage of a hidden layer as a matte. Matte selection controls are common to such effects.

    If you want a simple plugin, I can code it and offer it here.

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  • I got a new one that renders H.264 out from an AE comp. There have been issues with H.264 from within AE in recent releases.

    FFRender Free Effect :- FFRender Free allows the user to render 8-bit H.264 at the layer level using an external FFMpeg installation. All known AE renderers render at the level of a composition.