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People put the Congress on fire
  • People burned the congress of Guatemala in mid of government mafia Covid plundering.

    639 x 426 - 55K
  • 4 Replies sorted by
  • Finally some common sense!!!

  • @endotoxic

    It is not common sense, it is just various idiots doing stuff without any plan or goal.

  • Compare this to

    On April 4 (17), 1917, the leader of the Bolshevik Party, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, who had arrived in Russia the day before, delivered the famous "April Theses". These theses initially made a shock impression on the Bolshevik leaders themselves: almost no one understood and supported them.

    The Menshevik Nikolai Sukhanov, who listened to the "April Theses" on the night of April 4, in the Kshesinskaya palace, wrote: no one expected anything like this. It seemed that all the elements had risen from their lairs, and the spirit of all-destruction, knowing neither obstacles, nor doubts, nor human difficulties, nor human calculations, rushes through the Kshesinskaya hall over the heads of enchanted students. Lenin is generally a very good orator - not an orator of a complete, round phrase, or a vivid image, or an exciting pathos, or a sharp word, but an orator of enormous pressure, strength, decomposing, right there, in front of the listener's eyes, complex systems into simple, generally available elements and hammering them, hammering, hammering over the heads of the listeners - "to the point of insensibility," to bringing them to submission, to being taken prisoner. "

    With his first words, Lenin poured a tub of cold water over the heads of his enthusiastic comrades-in-arms. "I suppose, comrades," he remarked sternly, "that it is enough for us to congratulate each other on the revolution." The listeners began to look at each other in embarrassment. “When I drove here with my comrades,” Lenin said, “I thought that they would take us straight from the station to Petropavlovka. We turned out, as we see, very far from this. But let's not lose hope that this will not pass us by we cannot avoid this ... "

    “Even our Bolsheviks are showing trust in the government,” Lenin said on April 4. “This can only be explained by the frenzy of the revolution. This is the death of socialism. You, comrades, are trusting the government. If so, we are not on our way. Better to stay in the minority. ".

    The two-hour speech, of course, was applauded, but somehow embarrassed. According to Sukhanov, Vladimir Ilyich's comrades-in-arms, "applauding for a long time and amicably, somehow strangely looked at one point or wandered with unseeing eyes, demonstrating complete confusion."

    "I went out into the street," recalled Sukhanov. "The feeling was as if that night they beat me on the head with flails..".

    Vyacheslav Molotov recalled: "I was never against Lenin, but neither I, none of those who were always with Lenin, immediately understood him plainly. All the Bolsheviks spoke of a democratic revolution, but here - a socialist one!"

    Yes, it happens, - said Lenin himself, - many do not always immediately know how to grasp exactly what needs to be done at a given moment ... Later it will become clear to everyone ...