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Good quote: On valuable personal opinions
  • Today the so-called "own opinion" is fetishized, especially when it is not dangerous for political shepherds. Disunited people are much easier to manage, each individually is much easier to squeeze, than a united and organized force.

    Every simpleton is taught the value of his personal opinion. At the same time, a palette of judgments beneficial to the ruling class has been created on key issues of economics and politics, and it is considered indecent to go beyond this. Pluralism is complemented by a fashion for liberal or nationalist ideology, thus “valuable personal opinions” are produced in line with the lack of alternatives to the domination of commodity-money relations, the capitalist mode of production and the class division of society. On essential issues, all "individualists" think the same way, as the "shepherds" suggest to them, and on unimportant particulars, chaos of illogical, senseless taste reigns supreme.

    Short explanation on why I am mostly sick hearing "independent personal opinions" that are 99% copypasted from the mass media pages.

  • 4 Replies sorted by
  • I 99% wholeheartedly agree.

  •'s a good quote if your an intolerant marxist. What you want is for everyone to agree...with you ! In 1984, everyone agrees. That's a totalitarianist wetdream. Individualism arose again from a slumber in the middle ages, along with capitalism. In it's purest form, it moved/moves humans to be ingenious. Sadly it too developed it's own set of negative attributes. The ubiquitous and illusive ruling class dissolved into king on the mountain. Marxism on the other hand , inculcates 'group think', like the quote says. Society's a hive and all the little ants have their place. The problem is, it doesn't theoretically evolve in real life like it does marxist texts. Humankind aren't ants. Even in tribal societies, whose overriding political goal is the good of the many, there were individualist tendencies that underminded it's true strength, the common good based on kinship and geography. Although it appears theoretically sound, the practical execution of a political system based on the common good, without kinship and geography as unifying elements, is doomed to failure. History always repeats itself....because human nature is universal....on planet earth. It's like beating a dead horse. Don't you get tired of the same old diatribe ?

  • @kurth

    Post from you perfectly proves the point of quote.

    All you do it repeating ruling class made media lies, just not top mainstream media, you are "more advanced" :-) And you even feel important, feel that your personal opinion is really yours, not just century old retell of old lies.

    Your understanding of marxism seems to be originating from same sources :-) You feel like you reading some third grade propaganda made in 1950s.

    History always repeats itself....because human nature is universal....on planet earth. It's like beating a dead horse. Don't you get tired of the same old diatribe ?

    This is almost literal retell of.. fascist statements and principles. Capitalists still love many of them, and will gladly turn into open fascism as soon as danger will be bigger.

  • @kurth

    No music and videos here in topic.