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Good quotes: Petty bourgeoisie and two chairs
  • Petty bourgeoisie do not wish to and cannot take power alone and independently, as has been proved by the experience of all revolutions, and as is proved by economics, which explains that in a capitalist country it is possible to stand for capital and it is possible to stand for labour, but it is impossible to stand for long in between.


    Very close is famous quote from J. Reed

    "There are two classes, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie... And whoever isn't on one side is on the other".

    Both quotes are extremely important.

  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • The petty bourgeoisie makes life worth living. I'm talking about the small shopkeepers, music teachers, and yes, us, the independent filmmakers. The American dream is to be neither worker bee or bourgeoise.

  • The petty bourgeoisie makes life worth living. I'm talking about the small shopkeepers, music teachers, and yes, us, the independent filmmakers.

    If some petty bourgeoisie parts do not want to read and instead of self education write the things considering politics and economics at the level of young uneducated children or philister... well, this makes me very sad.

    The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honoured and looked up to with reverent awe. It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the poet, the man of science, into its paid wage labourers.

    The American dream is to be neither worker bee or bourgeoise.

    I provide you even better quote to this one

    You have to be asleep to believe it. (c) GC