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    Yet another metalens, from MIT this time
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      Optical phase change materials (O-PCMs), a unique group of materials featuring exceptional optical property contrast upon a solid-state phase transition, have found widespread adoption in photonic applications such as switches, routers and reconfigurable meta-optics. Current O-PCMs, such as Ge–Sb–Te (GST), exhibit large contrast of both refractive index (Δn) and optical loss (Δk), simultaneously. The coupling of both optical properties fundamentally limits the performance of many applications. Here we introduce a new class of O-PCMs based on Ge–Sb–Se–Te (GSST) which breaks this traditional coupling. The optimized alloy, Ge2Sb2Se4Te1, combines broadband transparency (1–18.5 μm), large optical contrast (Δn = 2.0), and significantly improved glass forming ability, enabling an entirely new range of infrared and thermal photonic devices. We further demonstrate nonvolatile integrated optical switches with record low loss and large contrast ratio and an electrically-addressed spatial light modulator pixel, thereby validating its promise as a material for scalable nonvolatile photonics.


    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2021Last reply - March 2021 by endotoxic Subscribe to this blog
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    Google: Chrome actually does not have incognito mode
    • Google is accused of relying on pieces of its code within websites that use its analytics and advertising services to scrape users’ supposedly private browsing history and send copies of it to Google’s servers. Google makes it seem like private browsing mode gives users more control of their data, Amanda Bonn, a lawyer representing users, told Koh. In reality, “Google is saying there’s basically very little you can do to prevent us from collecting your data, and that’s what you should assume we’re doing,” Bonn said.

      Andrew Schapiro, a lawyer for Google, argued the company’s privacy policy “expressly discloses” its practices. “The data collection at issue is disclosed,” he said.Another lawyer for Google, Stephen Broome, said website owners who contract with the company to use its analytics or other services are well aware of the data collection described in the suit.

      So, Chrome specially let their tools track you adding the into secret white list, but not any competitor or site author. Typical monopoly thing.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2021Last reply - March 2021 by hardimpact Subscribe to this blog
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    Framework notebook: failed at birth
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      Lot of nice ideas, like changeable ports, it is just small (big!) issue.

      It is small startup that won't be able to keep up even to initial promise at 99% probability, we are not talking about releasing upgrades.

      Also most things are clearly made by designers and lack board protection from static via user hands, for example.


    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2021Last reply - July 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Countries spent record amount of money on weapons in 2020
    • The U.S. and China led the growth in global defense spending, which hit a new high in 2020 despite the economic stress brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, a report said Thursday.

      In its annual report on military power, the International Institute for Strategic Studies said total military expenditures added up to $1.83 trillion in 2020, a 3.9% increase over the previous year. “This came despite the coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent contraction in global economic output,” the London-based think tank said in a statement.

      The United States remained the top spender, accounting for 40.3% of global spending. But China and other Asian powers concerned about Beijing’s rise also spent more, albeit at a somewhat slower pace than in 2019 because of the pandemic, IISS said in its “Military Balance” report.

      In Asia, overall spending was up 4.3%, down from the 4.9% growth rate of the previous year. Beijing boosted expenditures by $12 billion, or 5.2 %, with total spending at $193.3 billion.

      Only army and tech/media giants are holding US now, and one can not exist without the other.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2021Last reply - March 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Inflation: MOSFETs prices inflation is staggering
    • China-based power MOSFET and other power device suppliers have already raised their quotes by 10-15% recently amid tight foundry capacity, and will make another upward price adjustments, according to industry sources.

      And it is same across many things, not MOSFET's only.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2021Last reply - March 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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