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    War: Welcome new Intel Xeon, where you need to pay to enable features!
    • Intel Software Defined Silicon (SDSi). The technology is designed for future Intel Xeon processors and allows you to activate additional features of the processor after it is installed in the server.

      The principle of operation of Intel Software Defined Silicon (SDSi) is that after purchasing a Xeon processor of a certain model, the user will have the opportunity in the future, if necessary, to unlock more advanced features, usually inherent in higher-class chips, for an additional fee.

      At the moment, there are no details about SDSi. However, the mechanism can be as much about unlocking hardware features, such as increasing the amount of processor cache, increasing the frequency of operation, the number of active cores, or the amount of memory supported, as well as software features, such as activating special acceleration algorithms designed for new workloads, or connecting additional sets of instructions.

      It is assumed that the first Intel processors to receive support for the Software Defined Silicon mechanism will be the upcoming server Xeon Scalable 4th generation (Sapphire Rapids).

      This is real pinnacle of parasites and capitalism!

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2022Last reply - February 2022 by firstbase Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Canon EF system destruction is almost finished
    • The only lenses that Japanese photographer Kimio Tanaka was able to find as still in production in Japan for the EF mount are as follows:

      • EF 24mm f/1.4L II USM
      • EF 35mm f/1.4L II USM
      • EF 50mm f/1.2L USM
      • EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
      • EF 50mm f/1.8 STM
      • EF 85mm f/1.4L IS USM
      • EF 85mm f/1.8 USM
      • EF 400mm f/2.8L IS III USM
      • EF 600mm f/4L IS III USM
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    Mordor: Webmoney is done, tightening up
    • The international payment system WebMoney announced the suspension of all operations with ruble wallets (WMP and WMR). The funds in the wallets are frozen and will later be returned to the owners. About how exactly the refund will be made, the company promises to inform additionally.

      WebMoney explained the termination of work with ruble wallets by revoking the license from the Conservative Commercial Bank (KKB), which acts as the settlement bank of the system.

      “We regret that such an unfriendly step on the part of the Central Bank of Russia made it inaccessible to work with ruble wallets for millions of WebMoney users. The system will make all available legal and financial efforts to promptly compensate for the cost of blocked instruments,” WebMoney said in a statement.

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    Mordor: Credit bubble can explode
    • A little less than a third (30 percent) of borrowers in Russia have practically lost their chances to get a loan from banks due to a low personal credit rating, Izvestia writes.

      They account for 8.1 percent of the approvals of applications for consumer loans. Also less than the average value (24.8 percent) is the probability of applicants with an average rating (they are also almost 30 percent).

      Only rich and well-paid Russians, who took out just one or a few loans and repaid them without delay, retained their high ratings.

      It is very dangerous for present scheme. Where bottom 50% pay around 50% of their expenses from new credits.

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    War: New AIDS strain also came
    • Scientists working with the University of Oxford have just discovered a new highly infectious and much more dangerous strain of HIV in the Netherlands.

      Their study revealed significant genome differences between the VB strain and other HIV variants. One was a much higher viral load, which meant the virus would be both more virulent and more infectious.

      According to the study, the rate of decline in CD4 counts, a sign of immune system damage from HIV, was twice as fast in people with the VB variant, significantly increasing the risk of developing AIDS. Patients infected with the VB strain have also shown an increased risk of transmitting the virus to others.

      "Encouragingly, once treated, people with the VB variant had the same immune system recovery and survival as people with other HIV variants," the study says.

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    War: Ford cuts car production by around 25%
    • Ford Motor (F.N) plans to suspend or cut production at eight of its factories in the United States, Mexico and Canada throughout next week because of chip supply constraints, a spokeswoman told Reuters on Friday.

      The changes come a day after the Detroit automaker warned a chip shortage would lead to a decline to vehicle volume in the current quarter.

      It is certainly not some random chip shortage, it is more like attempt to quickly reduce car production and hike prices.

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    War: Korea to induce slavery for specialists
    • In South Korea, a database of specialists from the most valuable industries for the state will be created in order to prevent Chinese companies from poaching personnel and preventing technology from leaking abroad. This measure will be implemented as part of a five-year plan to strengthen the protection of intellectual property. The plan was developed by several government agencies in the country, including the ministries of industry and justice, the Office of Intellectual Property, and the National Intelligence Agency.

      Suddenly free market is not a good thing anymore if you are weak in competition.

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