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    Capitalism: Amazon Pharmacy - Bezos also wants to get billions from COVID medications
    • Amazon is making its biggest push into the healthcare industry yet with the launch today of Amazon Pharmacy: a new service offering home delivery for prescription medication.

      Customers can sign up to the new store by creating a ”secure pharmacy profile,” with the option of adding information about their health insurance, any outstanding medical issues like allergies, and any regular prescriptions. The store will offer a range of “generic and brand-name drugs,” reports CNBC, including “commonly prescribed drugs like insulin, triamcinolone steroid creams, metformin for controlling blood sugar, and sumatriptan for migraines.” Notably, the pharmacy will not sell Schedule II medications, which includes many common opioids like Oxycontin.

      I think idea to provide Amazon all this info, so they could resell it to everyone who have money including your work boss is nice.

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    Coronavirus: How capitalists made collapse in Mordor
    • Back into horrible totalitarian socialist nightmare the flu epidemic looked as follows - you got high temperature, you called specific number, this day or early next day you got doctor visit at home (your local one who you usually know perfect), and after inspection doctor wrote down all prescription and also wrote document for you to legally be able not to go to work (medical leave). Doctor later visited you 1-3 times and closed all documents, you visited any building with lot of people only in case of severe complications.

      Capitalists really did not like this thingy, too much people, too expensive and workers, as they think, are morons, they will always cheat to not go to work.

      So, they started no indexing salaries, and as older people left and new one never appeared - they closed the visiting doctors places. In some regions managed to close 80%, in some 60-70%. At the same time they build lot of very dense new buildings without any additional doctors. So, for new areas it can be around 1/20-1/50 of actual requirement of doctors, but who cares as huge profits of selling tiny flats via credit system cloud all the vision.

      So, with each seasonal flu they already forced most people to visit local polyclinic, wait many hours in huge mass gatherings, made it much harder and longer to get papers and require now head doctor to sign any medical leave papers (remember - workers are morons and enemies!). As result - now they had special number they can reach with official "flu" diagnosis, no more, all else must be uncertain "respiratory syndrome".

      Here comes COVID, as they did not manage to get any training or easy to understand (for doctor) prescriptions and explanations - they managed to cause total collapse (from patient perspective) in October. Waiting time for ER reached 7 days, waiting time for doctor 4-10 days, waiting time to get PCR test 3-5 days (if you are notgoing to hospital right now!), and result of PCR can come in 2 weeks time. No one cares, no responsibility for anything. Huge crowds are everywhere in any polyclinic or hospital using public transport to get to the place, spreading virus as much as they can.

      To keep system more or less afloat they nearly tripled medics salaries that managed to just keep them at their jobs, not to make it much better or get more people out of the blue. It also caused many doctors wanting to not service usual patients and go serving only COVID ones (as much more profitable).

      Whole system started to process people with complications who did not get any medicine help for 8-12 days or who ate some stuff they saw on TV (do not worry local capitalists also advertised stuff that is costly and useless ala remdesivir in developed countries).

      Interesting local poll with question - if you have caught and temperature above 39 degrees Celsius what you will do ?

      • 1999 year answer - 92% - call for doctor visit and be home until I get better, as medical leave will pay it in full.
      • 2019 year answer - 87% - go to work no matter that, as owner and manager repeatedly stated that they don't like any medical leave and I can lose my job even if under law it is unlawful.
    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevNovember 2020Last reply - November 2020 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Apple: We love you and track everything
    • On modern versions of macOS, you simply can’t power on your computer, launch a text editor or eBook reader, and write or read, without a log of your activity being transmitted and stored.

      It turns out that in the current version of the macOS, the OS sends to Apple a hash (unique identifier) of each and every program you run, when you run it. Lots of people didn’t realize this, because it’s silent and invisible and it fails instantly and gracefully when you’re offline, but today the server got really slow and it didn’t hit the fail-fast code path, and everyone’s apps failed to open if they were connected to the internet.

      Because it does this using the internet, the server sees your IP, of course, and knows what time the request came in. An IP address allows for coarse, city-level and ISP-level geolocation.

      It’s been possible up until today to block this sort of stuff on your Mac using a program called Little Snitch (really, the only thing keeping me using macOS at this point). In the default configuration, it blanket allows all of this computer-to-Apple communication, but you can disable those default rules and go on to approve or deny each of these connections, and your computer will continue to work fine without snitching on you to Apple.

      The version of macOS that was released today, 11.0, also known as Big Sur, has new APIs that prevent Little Snitch from working the same way. The new APIs don’t permit Little Snitch to inspect or block any OS level processes. Additionally, the new rules in macOS 11 even hobble VPNs so that Apple apps will simply bypass them.

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevNovember 2020Last reply - November 2020 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Green horrors: Nothing will save us
    • The unexpected result in Scenarios 1 and 2 is that the global temperature keeps rising for centuries after man-made GHG emissions of are brought to zero. Even more surprising, at first glance, is the fact that the temperature keeps rising after the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has declined back to the pre-industrial level through absorption in the deep ocean, biomass and soil.

      In both cases the explanation (in ESCIMO) rests in the joint action of albedo, carbon (both as CH4 and CO2) from melting permafrost, and water vapour in warm air—which together ensure that the temperature stays high even when the concentration of CO2 declines.


      The planet gets darker: the role of albedo

      As temperature rises, ice and snow are melted, making the planet darker. Between 2070 and 2300, for example, the average ocean albedo (in ESCIMO) declines from 0.080 to 0.067, and the surface albedo from 0.127 to 0.117, see Supplement Figure 15. As a result, more short-wave radiation is absorbed. In ESCIMO about 1.7 Wm−2—which is enough to trigger and drive significant change in the delicately balanced, global climate system.

      Water vapour feedback

      Water vapour exists in the atmosphere because of the balance between evaporation, which increases with temperature, and precipitation from the atmosphere, which also increases with temperature. H2O is not held in the atmosphere because of CO2, or any other GHG. This means that water vapour, and its warming effect, will not disappear when the CO2 concentration declines back to pre-industrial levels—as long as the temperature stays high enough.

      In 1980s lot of western researches with politicians invented new scientific genre - ecological terrorism papers.

      First it had been ozon holes hoax.

      Now it is horrible global warming we can't stop (but must all die anyway to save the Earth!).

    4 comments 5 comments Vitaliy_KiselevNovember 2020Last reply - November 2020 by stoney Subscribe to this blog
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    Capitalism: Mordor and face recognition
    • A digital rights activist in Moscow was able to purchase access to the city’s extensive facial recognition system for just 16,000 rubles (approximately $200), as reported by the Thomson Reuters Foundation. After seeing ads for the service on Telegram, Anna Kuznetsova transferred the money along with a picture of herself to a seller. Two days later, she received an extensive report of her movements over the previous month, apparently pulled directly from the police system.

      Spanning more than 100,000 cameras across the city, Moscow’s facial recognition system is meant to be restricted to law enforcement. It’s unclear how the seller was able to secure access, whether through bribery or a digital intrusion.

      It is clearly no surprise.

    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevNovember 2020Last reply - November 2020 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Capitalism: New 5% tax coming for privilege to work from home
    • Deutsche Bank argues that in a time of pervasive covid shutdowns, "those who can work from home (WFH) receive direct and indirect financial benefits and they should be taxed in order to smooth the transition process for those who have been suddenly displaced."

      In other words, the argument goes that working from an office is somehow punitive, and since WFH during the pandemic leads to "many benefits" as a resulting "disconnecting themselves from face-to-face society" a 5% tax for each WFH day "would leave the average person no worse off than if they worked in the office." The bank calculates that such a tax could raise $49bn per year in the US, €20bn in Germany, and £7bn in the UK. "That can fund subsidies for the lowest-paid workers who usually cannot work from home."

      Some will argue against the tax. They will say that engagement with the economy is a personal choice and they should not be penalised for making that decision. Yet, these people should remember that governments have always backsolved taxes to suit the social environment. Consider that in centuries past, when it was socially unpalatable in the UK to introduce an income tax, the government implemented a window tax. As society changed, the window tax was abolished and, eventually, an income tax was introduced. In the same way, as our current society moves towards a state of ‘human disconnection’, our tax system must move with it.

      Nice. I am personally moving toward disconnection with imbecile clerks and corporate drones, we really need to throw them out.

      I am sure they already working on oxygen tax (I remember Greta saying something on it) and unhealthy food (meat and such things) tax (EU and Mordor already discussed this in parlaments)

    5 comments 6 comments Vitaliy_KiselevNovember 2020Last reply - November 2020 by endotoxic Subscribe to this blog
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    EU: It can be nice idea to ban real encryption
    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevNovember 2020Last reply - November 2020 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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