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    Capitalism: Microsoft Edge or why monopolies won't stop
    • Microsoft is adding a new coupons feature to its Edge browser today. Coupons and promo codes will appear inside Edge as an alert when you’re shopping online, and they can be automatically applied to a basket when you’re ready to check out. The coupons feature also includes price comparisons, so if you’re shopping online, Edge can surface different retailers that might offer items at lower prices.

      Microsoft introduced price comparisons in Edge just weeks ago as part of its Collections feature, but this new coupon experience goes even further. It’s part of a big push by Microsoft to position Edge as the browser for online shopping, but the comparisons and coupons only work for US users of the browser right now.

      It is 100% case as allowing software giants to do that they are doing is just utter dangerous.

      All of them must be stripped of browsers and search engines with them becoming fully public assets.

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    Capitalism: Youtube to start openly rip small video channels
    • The video-sharing website has updated its Terms of Service, and it includes a new section that gives it the right to monetize videos from channels not big enough to be part of its Partner Program. That doesn’t mean new creators can start earning from their videos right away, though — YouTube said in a forum post explaining the changes to its ToS that non-YPP members won’t be getting a cut from those ads.

      To become eligible for the YouTube Partner Program, a creator has to be living in a country where it’s active, has to have 4,000 public watch hours in the last 12 months and has to have over 1,000 subscribers. YouTube only used to run ads on videos from channels that don’t meet those criteria under special circumstances, such as if the channel was previously a YPP member.

      Next will go the watch hours and subscribers limits rise. Just wait few months. Step by step.

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevNovember 2020Last reply - November 2020 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    MAGA: Why Trump represents more sane forces now
    • Looks like some kind of paradox - Trump standing behind many very conservative values now represents much more fit to the purpose forces in US.

      And Democrats while constantly waving how "Black Lives matter" actually are more unfit for the present state.

      Issue is that present huge state bureaucracy and tech giants want to have things going as usual, want free unlimited market despite having almost nothing but censorship and lies to sell on it. They even can't oppose China, as are afraid that real economies fight will weak the present system (and they are right). Even calling COVID virus origin as artificial is looking as very very dangerous for them as it questions present open markets.

      Problem is - they are loosing. In present system they no longer can have things going as usual, going as they like. No matter how they like it.

      Part of tech giants and bureaucracy want to even play in lefty and pinky stuff (until it is very far from left and red).

      Issue is that you can't longer play, you need to act, and increasing polarization shows only one thing - either you go to the left (not Sanders lefty), much more left than Lenin had been even. Or you go into the right with real economic wars, abortion bans, sanctions and real big wars that will come later.

    6 comments 7 comments Vitaliy_KiselevNovember 2020Last reply - November 2020 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Good quote: On coronavirus and bureaucracy
    • Since the bureaucracy is in its essence 'the state as formalism', it is so in its goal. Thus, the real goal of the state appears to the bureaucracy as an anti-state goal ... The bureaucracy considers itself the ultimate goal of the state. Since the bureaucracy makes its "formal" goals its content, it is everywhere in conflict with the "real" goals. It is therefore compelled to pass off the formal as content, and the content as something formal. State tasks turn into clerical tasks, or clerical tasks into state tasks.

      K. Marx

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevNovember 2020Last reply - November 2020 by endotoxic Subscribe to this blog
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    Capitalism: Mordor will fight with censorship.... on Facebook
    • Foreign Internet platforms will face liability for censoring Russian media and restricting access to information on racial, ethnic and political affiliation. As reported by RIA Novosti, citing a source, this will affect social networks and large IT platforms.

      “There are several principles in the law. The first is access restriction. When, for example, when Russian television accounts on social networks are blocked or a film made by Russian television people is removed from the show. The second is when they restrict access to information based on race, nationality, political affiliation, ” the message says.

      It sounds like fun.

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    MAGA: Extremely dangerous signs
    • According to statistics, 37.82% of client and institutional international payments in October were made in euros - this is 6 pp. more than it was at the end of 2019. The share of transactions in dollars decreased by 4.6 percentage points to 37.64%. The pound serling, Japanese yen and Canadian dollar accounted for 12.25% of international payments last month.

      Really dangerous with all new US money printing, and US need this to keep paying debts.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevNovember 2020Last reply - November 2020 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Good quote: On presstitutes
    • Journalists do not need to be devoted to anything. You don't even need to give them a command - these smart and surprisingly mean animals themselves are able to guess by the smell where they can find crumbled food.

      V. Pelevin

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