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    War: Amazon aka Blue Origin is finishing development of their strategic rocket
    • Main goal of all private companies rockets is not goods delivery or tourists, they want to have enough of rockets (even with just dirty bombs) to be able to openly blackmail any country.

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    Capitalism: Samsung also want more profits, ditch chargers
    • Samsung will ditch free chargers on all smartphones. This was reported on the company's website.

      The Korean company said in a statement that more and more Galaxy smartphone owners are reusing charging accessories. “To support our consumers in this decision, we are moving to eliminating the charger and headphones in our latest set of devices,” - said a Samsung spokesman. The company clarified that in this way it intends to protect the ecology of the planet.

      The report says the company will be phasing out charging from all Galaxy smartphones. Apparently, accessories may remain in the boxes with the most affordable and most expensive devices of the brand, but over time, all smartphones of the Galaxy line will be sold without a charging adapter and headphones.

      And to further protect ecology they serialize all parts and make unauthorized repairs almost impossible. Seems like smart move to save few trees around. :-)

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    War: Look, they fight for freedom, sorry, money
    • On 9 January, Facebook shut down dozens of Uganda pro-government accounts claiming they were “fake and duplicate accounts” linked to the country’s Ministry of Information to make content appear more popular ahead of the elections.

      To make it short - they suspended and banned almost all official accounts.

      On 12 January Uganda president accused Facebook and unnamed others of interfering with the electoral process. On the same day, UCC Executive Director Irene Sewankambo ordered telecommunications companies to “immediately suspend any access and use” of social media and online messaging platforms. Service providers such as Airtel and MTN Uganda have already written to their subscribers announcing the suspension.

      Responding to the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) shutting down access to social media services in the run up to the 14 January general election, Sarah Jackson, Amnesty International's Deputy Regional Director for East Africa, the Horn and the Great Lakes, said:

      “Amid concerns over threatening rhetoric from high-ranking government officials, use of violence and an escalating crackdown on political opposition, human rights defenders, activists, journalists and civil society actors, it is alarming that the Ugandan authorities have suspended social media networks including Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp and restricted people’s right to freedom of expression and access to information."

      Look, standards can adjust to suit the goal :-)

      But any bad motherfuckers must be banned, no matter the reason or rules.

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    War: Some liberals are slow to react to changes of the wind
    • Ultraliberal and right-wing opposition leader Andrei Illarionov lost his job at the American Cato Institute for supporting Trump in his LiveJournal post. If this post was on Twitter or Facebook, then the social network account would probably have been banned also ...

      “I no longer work at the Cato Institute,” Illarionov himself wrote on his page in LiveJournal. "As the vice-president of the institute told me, the reason is the content of the postscripts attached to my post on this blog, The Burning of the Reichstag -2021."

      According to him, when invited to work at the Cato Institute, he was interested in the organization's position on various issues. “The management's response has always been the same:“ The institute has no other position than the protection of individual freedom. On any issues there is not the position of the institute, there are different positions of the staff of the institute, which they have every right to express. "

      But now the norms of overseas democracy and freedom of speech have changed...

      Very sad

      Good quote on situation

      Look, kid ... You are an orc. You are kept here so that an honest orcish voice can reach the people when necessary. For this they give food. Therefore, it is necessary to be very precise about what and when an honest orc voice should speak. And for this you need to constantly watch all the news ...

      Victor Pelevin

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    EU: Green guys demand you to eat worms instead of meat
    • The EU Food Safety Authority has confirmed that yellow mealworms are human-friendly and rich in protein.

      "The agency has assessed the risks of the insect as a new food for the first time, and this could pave the way for the first approval in the EU," said agency researcher Ermolaos Ververis.


      Following this decision, the EU-wide marketing authorization for yellow mealworms - the larvae of the meal beetle - is expected to follow in the coming months. The main components of the product are protein, fat and fiber. When dried, the worms are said to taste similar to peanuts.

      “There are clear environmental and economic benefits to replacing traditional sources of animal protein with ones that require less food, produce less waste and generate less greenhouse gases,” said University of Bologna professor Mario Mazzocchi.

      My proposal is different - we need to use such researchers, politicians and clerks as nice food for worms, such way they will produce much less greenhouse gases, actually they will produce none.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJanuary 2021Last reply - January 2021 by garroulus Subscribe to this blog
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    Myths: Children, firm mattress and bed sharing
    • Quite long time ago capitalists decided that they need to sell more children beds and also sell special children mattresses.

      So they got to scientists, paid them and things started to turn.

      Various U.S. medical groups warn parents not to place their infants to sleep in adult beds due to serious safety risks. Bed-sharing puts babies at risk of suffocation, strangulation, and SIDS. Studies have found that bed-sharing is the most common cause of deaths in babies, especially those 3 months and younger. Because of the risks involved, both the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) advise against bed-sharing.

      This guys just forgot to tell you that for small baby it is extreme stress to not have mommy around, touching him. As in nature it means almost certain near death, hence constant repeated cry if you put it even nearby. And issues with your own sleep as result. Not having mommy results in instant big hormones shift and affect development of brain and lot of other functions, including lack of good sleep resulting sometimes in organs defects.

      Here strategy had been to use scaring - you can suffocate baby (real thing!), but issue is that by doing that they ask you to not make things much better but to make things worse. Can read some statistics on autism, multiple research show that major cause of this can be lack of physical closeness with mother. Btw, working mother before around age 4 add big part of issues also. But I never saw any of this paid researchers or press to ask for mothers to stay with children as long as possible, as their owners won't like this, but I saw tons of such research results during socialism.

      With modern tech you much better to put some sensor on baby with alarm if you are afraid instead of this shit.

      SIDS is any sudden or unexpected infant death that occurs during sleep within the first year of life and that cannot be explained after thorough investigation. Most SIDS cases occur within the first six months of life, and babies between the ages of 2 and 4 months are at the highest risk. SIDS remains the leading cause of death among U.S. babies.

      Note here same tech as used during COVID early hysteria. If you look at statistics in 1990 they put almost 70% of any baby death in sleep as death from SIDS, as it is some fuzzy and totally undefined thing - no one cares. A babies sleep 19-20 hours a day and some babies obviously die due to health defects and such - you can get nice numbers. Lately they just asked doctors to change statistics and put same cases under different death categories. And now they cite numbers of ALL, 100% deaths during sleep, as such number is more impressive.

      Suffocation from a soft mattress, memory foam, waterbed,

      For almost 100% of real babies your soft mattress is NOT soft, it is hard, as baby is light. So this guys lie openly. They use games with words to cheat you into spending money.

      And to make you pay they offer you to buy extremely hard mattress (as you need to feel difference to spend money, not because it must be such hard).

      Why they want to sell you so hard thing? Because 99,9% of people don't buy such mattress for themselves, and your don't want your baby to suffer on your subpar mattress don't you, you want best for your baby, you want to check advises from best professionals.

      Note how they put it:

      Consumer Reports notes that if the mattress feels good or even okay for you, then it is definitely not a mattress your baby should be sleeping on.

      This is how paid criminals get their salary.

      Babies should always be placed to sleep on their backs on a firm mattress without any pillows, blankets, toys, stuffed animals, or other items.

      Baby physically is not much different from adult, so sleeping without pillow on the back and on extremely hard mattress is not the thing baby likes.

      Also if you open up any medical papers on suffocation you'll see that almost all of cases happen during.. sleeping on the back and with some issue with pillow - too high head position or too low. Such way you can have tongue blocking the airway.

      Ideally manufacturers want to sell you thing like (feels similar to a brick):


      And separate expensive bed.

      In Mordor they did not have SIDS being promoted by media, so here reasons for same type mattresses usage are totally different. Media tell you that children spine is completely different and by making them sleep weird and with deformed spine we make stuff better. Money always make wonders in presstitutes heads.

    4 comments 5 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJanuary 2021Last reply - November 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: On why US will have effectively one party system in 2021 already
    • When capital is placed at the forefront of social organization, money begins to determine everything. Therefore, for capital, the ideal regime for organizing society will be such when everything (absolutely everything) is turned into a market. Including politics.

      If politics is arranged like a market - with bargaining, free competition, professional political products and services (politicians, political strategists, mass media, PR, elections, etc.) - then in such a market the one who is able to pay the most wins. That is, the one who can buy specialists, technologies and form the necessary public opinion. That is, capital.

      In such a mode of operation, the real, irreplaceable dictator in the form of specific persons or groups is always in the shadows. And in the arena of the political circus, professional political clowns are constantly changing, carrying out orders behind the scenes. Wasted and discredited actors are periodically thrown into the trash and replaced by new, even more fun characters. The electorate is happy. Capital as well.

      Therefore, Freedom'n'Democracy ™ as the largest and most powerful capital, in an ultimatum order requires all other countries to strictly adhere to democratic procedures. In this case, he can freely enter any country, establish (buy) the required political regime and freely dictate his will. And all this is imperceptible, without unnecessary noise, under the guise of a democratic expression of the will of the people.

      Those who refuse to turn their political system into a democratic market must be beaten and forced to freedom. To do this, Freedom'n'Democracy ™ has military bases around the world and military expenditures that exceed those of all other countries combined.

      Why can't everyone in the world hold "fair elections" and be more democratic than the Pope?

      If a country wants to pursue an independent policy, it simply cannot afford to host an open democratic market in which it cannot compete with the capitals of the world hegemon.

      In this case, there are only two outputs:

      1. Give up independence. Completely lie under the fincap and resignedly accept all imposed decisions, counting on the mercy of the new owner.
      2. Abandon Democracy ™. Establish a political dictatorship with an irreplaceable political elite, covering all this with imitation of free elections.


      China now has more real money and they are becoming hegemon. Hence - to protect political system US need to wrap up all this "free speech" games. Just check media history - all began and continued with Chinese witch hunt.

      Yes, and China will teach US the manners and proper democracy :-)

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