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    Mordor: USD usage will be sharply reduced
    • Mordor must take measures to reduce its dependence on the American currency, said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. According to him, steps need to be taken due to new possible US sanctions.

      “We need to isolate ourselves from the US financial and economic system in order to get rid of dependence on this toxic source of constant hostility ... We need to reduce the role of the dollar in any transactions,” he said in an interview with Bloomberg.

      Biggest catch here is that all USD accounts of our banks (including all personal account of clients) are located in US banks in reality. So blocking this money is possible and as we have huge amount of USD personal savings it can be big hit.

      Mordor is one of the most liberal countries in this regard for now, with lot of people having savings in USD, EUR and lot of other currencies. As leading banks here have superb internal bank software and apps - it is very easy to do, including fast transfers and access to low fees exchange on FOREX or alike.

    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2021Last reply - July 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Facebook as extremely powerful weapon
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      And this is why Mordor and China are now main enemies of people who made Facebook.

      Destruction of Facebook and Google in their current form will be quite important phase and without it we can't move in proper direction.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2021Last reply - February 2021 by endotoxic Subscribe to this blog
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    Socialism: 100 years since Gosplan creation
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      State Central Planning Committee existed in different forms since 1921, today is exactly 100 years from day of creation.

      And must fun and absurd thing is that head of Gosplan, Nikolai Baibakov, had been real author of capitalism restoration in USSR:


      This guy made gas for tubes agreement, before this invented way to support capitalists using oil and do many other things. Very versatile guy, he helped to make Chechnya problem in 50s and he was helping from safety during critical phase of counterrevolution - so called 1957 anti party group defeat.
      Most serious USSR defeat in WWII, 1942 event - retreat from Ukraine that had been stopped only in Stalingrad can be also authored by this man, as few months before this he become responsible to fuel supply to armies and got access to all information about tanks and other motor forces. Researches still need to investigate this more.

      In 1986 he went into shade to ensure stability in dangerous phase, but during restoration process in 1986-1991 three of his right hand people guided the country. One had been prime minister, second had been head of Gosplan and third wrote all major laws allowing restoration of private property, banks and so on. And Gorbachev just did the speaking and photos :-)

      Proof exist because in China the plan failed, Rishkov (prime minister) and Maslyukov (head of Gosplan at the time) wanted to help open counterrevolution in China in 1989 and diring vamous Gorbachev visit at the time openly asked top officials to make communist party to step down and to "introduce democracy". Such way we know that they had been dangerous and long prepared traitors. Rishkov recently told top secret information that he headed special committee on capitalism restoration in 1983.

      His people also saved capitalists during 1998 issues as they went from hiding back into open ruling for a short while.

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    Good quote: On working class
    • Modern left idiots as well as old school Mensheviks have a favorite topic for whining - the working class, they say, is not revolutionary in itself and does not generate by itself brave people in leather jackets who are ready to establish a new order. The absurdity of this claim has been evident for over a hundred years. Another question is the nature of this claim; after all, it does not grow out of the blue, but is taken from the same surprisingly ridiculous concept that it is possible and necessary to find some external source of morality, its a priori carrier.

      To this guys I have already given a well-known answer to any educated (that is, who read Marx and Lenin) person: the working class is not a panacea and not a savior in a halo, but explosives lying dead weight, of all types of social explosives, by virtue of social status, capable of detonation, that's all. From the point of view of the process of the explosive reaction itself, it does not matter at all who will bring the detonators to this explosive and ignite: the RSDP (b), or some "Partyda Laborista"; with one or another degree of resistance, the explosive process in the accumulated mass ready for detonation will proceed, releasing the accumulated energy. This, in essence, is used all over the world by paid provocateurs under left-wing slogans, making small senseless bangs here and there. Naturally, if you just detonate the explosives, you get a spectacular, dangerous close up and sometimes quite a beautiful sight - but that’s where it all ends.

      For an explosive to do useful work, it needs a harness designed for specific conditions and a specific type of work. The explosives must be organized by giving them the necessary forms (to break through a pit, fill a dam or split an armored wall - three completely different tasks!). For large masses or complex shapes, it is necessary to ensure the simultaneity or the correct order of detonation, initiating the processes in exactly the right sequence and at the right time. The released energy must be channeled and used with the highest possible efficiency, in every possible way avoiding unnecessary destruction, overexpenditure of efforts and loss of energy for various internal transitions. Finally, it is required to take measures to ensure maximum safety of the process, withdraw the civilian population and infrastructure from the zone of possible destruction, precipitation and disposal of hazardous reaction products, etc.

      In the case of a revolution, it is not the class that does it. This is done by a political party (in the broad sense of the term). And without the organized (as well as organizing) work of the party, any actions of the working class will turn into a noisy but senseless gross-babach. The workers themselves are well aware of this, and, lacking an organizing principle, they rarely enter politics on behalf of the class. Instead it is small shopkeeper or rentier considers himself smarter than all the beasts of the field, therefore he gladly discusses the orders of commanders in the Battle of Solferino, scolds Roosevelt for ill-conceived economic decisions and loves to arrange "hydnost revolutions" with fireworks. The mass of the worker is averse to such nonsense; he reserves his great strength for great deeds, but does not suffer from "morality" and "spirituality" at all. And it is right.

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    Apple: Did you try to turn it off and on again?
    • Apple has acknowledged an issue with "pink squares or pixels" on displays connected to new M1 ARM-based Mac mini computers. According to the available data, the causes of this problem are currently being searched for. Most probably it is hardware issue with M1 chip.

      Cases of pink pixels and squares appearing on displays connected to Mac mini have been known for a long time. Since the launch of the new M1-based Mac mini in November, there have been numerous reports of such cases. The exact cause of pink pixels on displays is still unknown to wide public, but Apple know it. Based on user reports, the problem occurs when HDMI is used to connect the display rather than Thunderbolt. HDMI controller has lot of problems on M1 chip, including color modes restriction and such bugs.

      There was no specific timeframe or even any promise for fix, but Apple's message appeared a few days after the release of macOS Big Sur 11.2.1, which does not seem to solve the mentioned problem. It is possible that a fix will be prepared for the launch of macOS Big Sur 11.3, which is in beta testing since February 2.

      Apple recommends to put your Mac mini into sleep mode, wait two minutes, and then return your computer to work.

      Yes, they are serious.

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    Good quote: On present United States Congress
    • I have always said: parliamentarism is wonderful, but the times are not parliamentary now.

      V. Lenin

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2021Last reply - February 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Most Huawei plans considering smartphones failed
    • As the Nikkei Asian Review found out through its channels, Huawei Technologies has notified component suppliers that it will cut orders this year to the number required to produce 70 million to 80 million smartphones. Huawei managed to ship 189 million smartphones last year, so the decline will be noticeable. Some sources expect production to drop to 50 million units.

      For now none of loud plans announced by management worked. They lost all their chips production. And now only huge patriotic propaganda force users to buy smartphones that mostly use simple and cheap MTK LSI. Without it sales could already plummet below 10 millions per year.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2021Last reply - February 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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