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    War: Pushing electric cars is tragic mistake
    • Volvo will become an all-electric company by 2030: by that time, the Swedes will have removed combustion-powered vehicles, including hybrid vehicles, from their lineup. This was reported by the press service of the automaker.

      Volvo intends to introduce a range of hybrid or all-electric vehicles in the coming years. The next premiere of the new electric car of the Swedish brand will take place on Tuesday, March 2.

      Volvo noted that by 2030 "consumers will accept electric cars" thanks to the expansion of infrastructure for such cars, the emergence of a large number of charging stations, as well as changes in legislation.

      It all started with fake madeup media thing against diesel, hence this part first had been destroyed. Now they move further.

      Electric cars related infrastructure lacks most important thing - stability. It is extremely expensive (now you need to have wires going to each and every charging station), very hard to repair and support.

    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMarch 2021Last reply - March 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Energy: Giant Solar Flares
    • In 1859, the science of solar physics truly began with the largest eruption in recorded history: the Carrington event. Prior to this time, many people had observed the Sun: counting and monitoring sunspots, watching the Sun’s differential rotation rate, and making a potential link between sunspot activity, the Earth’s magnetic field, and observations of Earth’s aurora. But when astronomers Richard Carrington and Richard Hodgson noticed an enormous “white light flare” on the Sun on September 1, 1859, we realized that the Sun and the Earth were connected as never before. Just 17 hours later, Earth experienced the largest geomagnetic storm ever recorded, and the worldwide reports of its effects are now legendary. Knowing that these events happen regularly, are we now prepared for the inevitable? That’s what Erich Rathkamp wants to know, asking:

      “a CME the size of the 1859 Carrington Event would, if not prepared for, effectively level the power grid of the United States... Can we actually provide a full day's worth of warning? Is a sufficient warning period actually significant enough to allow us to survive a Carrington class [event?] ...if a Carrington class event were to be detected tomorrow, would we actually be able to survive it effectively?”

      In a worst-case scenario, the flare would arrive during a cold snap affecting the Northern Hemisphere during its winter. It would knock power offline for the majority of the developed world, leaving billions without heat or power. The storage and distribution of food and water might be knocked out, leaving billions to fend for themselves.

      It is interesting how corrupt capitalists made huge amount of waste and build totally unstable and unreliable system.

      If you so want to add renewable energy - it must produce fuel. Gasoline, oil suitable for diesel, ethanol or gas.

      Such way it becomes possible to use cheap long life diesel and gasoline cars, fuels is simple to store and all capacity is already in place and easy to add.

      And by having reserve stations with huge fuel reserves you are always prepared for worst case, contrary to all present green madness.

      Why they don't do it? Simple - because CO2 fake warming theory will go to waste instantly, it is not compatible with this way.

      And they need this theory as they want to tax out all produced coal, oil and other stuff. Not because they like, but because they actually do not have anything to give in return if they pay real price.

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    War: New trend - touch sensor in power buttons
    • It is becoming standard in latest notebooks, will be standard in new Macbooks and Macs in general, and will be feature of many Android smartphones.

      Main idea is not just reduce costs, but to force you to 100% touch the sensor. Such way manufacturer will always collect lot of your fingertips and upon request (for people who have value) send them to government. Yes, without any approval and your knowing it. Such functionality is performed by special parts of modern CPUs or hubs. They also have secure storage for fingertips that you can't check.

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    Crypto scam: China stands behind many things
    • The Chinese authorities decided to limit the growth of energy consumption in the region of Inner Mongolia, which attracted miners due to its relatively cheap electricity. According to some estimates, this autonomous region of China generated up to 8% of the global supply of bitcoins, while the whole of China accounted for approximately 65% of the computing power of the world's distributed network.

      Why so much interest?

      It is all simple, hundreds of thousands of corrupt clerks paired with business owners need to rise bitcoin price as it allows them to transfer more money outside China without any control or restriction. This is why they do all to support big farms.

      Also China use lot of Mordor origin energy to do mining with price set very low using special secret long time contracts.

      I had been told that Communist party and local government workers perfectly know where big farms are located and instead of killing them that any responsible guy must do - they help them.

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMarch 2021Last reply - March 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Around 100k Apple computers are infected and waiting to do something
    • The new malware Silver Sparrow, found on nearly 30,000 Mac computers worldwide, has caught the attention of security experts. There are several reasons. First, the malware comes in two binaries, one for the M1 processor. Second, researchers cannot understand the purpose of the attackers.

      Once an hour, infected computers check the control server for new commands or binaries to execute.

      But so far, no payload has been delivered to any of the 30,000 infected machines. The absence of a payload suggests that malware can take action as soon as an unknown condition is met.

      Curiously, the malware comes with a complete removal mechanism that is commonly used in professional intelligence operations. However, there are still no signs of using the self-destruct function, which raises the question of why this mechanism is needed.

      In addition to these issues, the malware is notable for the presence of a binary for the M1 chip, which was introduced in November 2020. This is just the second known macOS malware for M1. The binary is even more cryptic because it uses the macOS installer JavaScript API to execute commands.

      One of the most impressive things about Silver Sparrow is the number of Macs it infects. Colleagues at Malwarebytes found Silver Sparrow installed on 29,139 macOS endpoints as of February 17, 2021. This is a significant achievement.

      And these are only computers available for MalwareBytes antivirus, so the real number is much higher.

      Real number is from 100k up to 500k.

      Rumors in the industry are that small number of viruses for MacOS also is due to Apple specially sponsoring virus toolkits authors so they can do more for Windows and not make their tools available for MacOS. Apple do not control lot of virus authors, but controls authors of core tools and owners of communities (so they can kill and social activity and prevent groups forming).

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    War: Sudden war with third party cookies and GDPR
    • As part of its war on web tracking, Mozilla is adding a new tool to Firefox aimed at stopping cookies from keeping tabs on you across multiple sites. The "Total Cookie Protection" feature is included in the web browser's latest release — alongside multiple picture-in-picture views (more on that below) — and essentially works by keeping cookies isolated between each site you visit. Or, in Mozilla's words: "By creating a separate cookie jar for every website."

      Google is also working on a plan to kill off third-party cookie tracking on its Chrome web browser as part of its Privacy Sandbox project, an initiative that seeks to allow personalized ads while limiting individually identifying data.

      Firefox's new feature pares with last month's network partitioning tool, which works by splitting the Firefox browser cache on a per-website basis to prevent tracking across the web, itself targeted at blocking more stubborn "supercookies." According to Mozilla, these types of cookies are more difficult to delete and block as they are stored in obscure parts of the browser, including in Flash storage, ETags, and HSTS flags. Both tools are available as part of Firefox's enhanced tracking protection suite in "strict mode" on desktop and Android.

      It is not very easy to spot by untrained eye - but this is part of total control and censorship war. Plus hundreds of billions of more income for big guys who control all major browsers.

      Let me explain - now small and medium sites get only around 10-35% of income from ads (mostly thanks for Google) and this number constantly drops, especially for small guys. Hence we see more and more unnecessary ads.

      Most income comes from referrals and selling personal data and tracking data.

      Tech giants want to cut large part of this income and such way force small and medium guys to place even more ads. In same time all sites that will considered unnecessary will be silently killed by lower ranking (as Google do with forums now) and by simple economic reasons.

      GDPR also hit smallest sites most - as they have worst aka default large popups, they also needed to spend time on doing this shit. But large sites are quite happy with it as it did not change anything for them - instead it made it look nice and legal.

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    MiniLED becoming mainstream finally, thanks to Apple
    • Singapore-based semiconductor packaging equipment vendor K&S has seen strong influx of orders for wire bonders for logic ICs and memory chips with delivery lead times extending to 6-9 months, and is optimistic that equipment demand for miniLED backlight applications may grow exponentially starting in 2021.

      Cheam estimates that miniLED applications will see exponential increases this year, as more brand vendors are moving to apply miniLED backlighting technology to a variety of devices including notebooks, tablets, desktops and TVs.

      Not bad, but remember - almost all manufacturers will be selecting cheapest led chips and made worst cooling possible (now around 90% of TVs failure is due to horrible led backlight cooling).

    10 comments 11 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2021Last reply - December 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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