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    China: HSMC chip manufacturer fires all staff and goes caput
    • The South China Morning Post reports, citing Caixin, that HSMC employees received an offer to quit their jobs through the WeChat app. The message contained information that HSMC had no plans to reopen and release products. The initiators of the layoffs did not mention any other explanations, and the employees were not offered any material compensation. As a result, about 240 people are expected to lose their jobs.

      When the local authorities acted as one of HSMC's investors in November 2017, they expected to offer jobs to 50 thousand employees over time, and annually produce products worth up to $9.25 billion. A couple of years later, the plant construction project faced financial and legal problems - site the land on which the construction was carried out was arrested by a court decision. The reason was the delay in financing, which led to the bankruptcy of the main contractor.

      In 2019, HSMC managed to attract Chiang Shang-yi to the post of CEO, who managed to work not only in SMIC, but also as vice president of the Taiwanese company TSMC. By the summer of 2020, he left HSMC, officially citing personal motives, but privately citing the dire state of affairs at the company. HSMC even has one ASML lithographic scanner at its disposal, which allows it to work with 7-nm lithography, but it will most likely be sold to some of its competitors to cover the resulting debts.

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    Mordor: Bloodbath for small guys in retail continues, monopolies galore
    • AliExpress is the most popular trading platform on the Russian Internet, according to the measurements of the research company Mediascope. In December 2020, the daily audience of this marketplace on mobile devices and desktops was 9.7 million Mordor orks over 12 years old, the same figure for Wildberries was 7.1 million, and Ozon was 4.8 million.

      In 2020, AliExpress Russia's revenue exceeded RUB 25.8 billion, with a net loss of RUB 13.3 billion, Group said in its annual reporting.

      In 2020, Wildberries' turnover almost doubled - by 96%, to 437.2 billion rubles. The company does not name revenue and profit.

      Ozon, which became a public company at the end of last year, has not yet reported on the results of 2020. The company only reported that, according to preliminary data, its turnover grew by 140%, to 195 billion rubles.

      In terms of revenue, Ozon is several times higher than AliExpress, according to the already published results of the first company for nine months of 2020. In January-September, Ozon's revenue reached almost 66.6 billion rubles. with a turnover of 121.6 billion rubles.

      In January-September, Ozon's net loss approached 12.9 billion rubles.

      Revenue from online sales of Detsky Mir in 2020 increased 2.4 times, to 34.8 billion rubles, according to the retailer's reporting. Internet sales accounted for 24% of all consolidated revenue for Detsky Mir last year.

      The country's largest food retailer X5 Retail Group (Pyaterochka, Perekrestok, Karusel chains) in 2020 increased the revenue of its digital businesses (Perekrestok Vprok, express delivery 5Post) more than 4.5 times, to RUB 20.1 billion But so far, in total revenues, this is only 1% of consolidated revenues.

      M.Video-Eldorado Group, a leader in the household appliances and electronics market, discloses the share of its online sales in terms of turnover only: in 2020, they doubled to RUB 300.4 billion. (including VAT), which is almost 60% of the total turnover.

      More online things, fast rise of big marketplaces and already existing monopolies. Almost all of them are producing losses as they fight for total domination. Small guys suffer and close in tens of thousands each month.

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    War: Total censorship will come to Youtube soon
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    China: Oligarchy is forming fast
    • According to the Hurun Rich List 2021 published on Tuesday, March 2, China became the first country in the world to have over a thousand billionaires. In particular, 1058 people officially live in the country with a fortune of more than a billion dollars.

      The United States is in second place (696), in third is India (177), followed by Germany (141), Great Britain (134), Switzerland (134) and Mordor (85).

      “Despite the economic troubles caused by COVID-19, this year has seen the largest increase in capitalists wealth in a decade,” said Hurun Report President and Principal Investigator Rupert Hoogewerf.

      According to him, "the world has never seen such a dramatic increase in wealth created in one year." Hoogewerf recalled that last year.

      Hurun noted that, despite the trade war with the United States, there were more billionaires in China in 2020 than in all other countries combined. In fact, over the past five years, the Asian giant has grown 490 billionaires, while the US, for example, has only 160.

      Lot of people not realize that socialism is not about declarations and red flag, it is about to never allow money to be deciding factor. It is actually about abolishing money.

      As we see more and more rich people and tight integration of them with CCP - we can conclude that China is going using reactionary way and sooner or later it will explode or turn into fascist state.

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    War: Google want to push profits and block advertisers access to some data
    • Google on Wednesday said it will stop selling ads based on a person's individual browsing across websites, a move that could shake up the digital advertising industry as consumers call for more privacy online.

      Of course, privacy has nothing to do here.

      First - it is form of protection, as Google want to destroy lot of sites and competition using cookies blocking.

      Second - they now will sell same information using indirect methods and for much higher prices. They also will try to prevent advertisers to more directly target ads and hence make more competition and higher rates.

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    Idiots: Microsoft Mesh as example of degradation of management
    • This guys keep remaking same shit again and again, instead of solving real hard problems of people.

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    MAGA: On China and parasites
    • image

      Biden now represents largest group of ruling class - total ruthless parasites. They can make lot of weapons (but rely on mostly old age engineers) and nice PR releases, but almost nothing more.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMarch 2021Last reply - March 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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