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    EU: Nuclear energy must be called totally green
    • In Europe, voices are louder and louder in defense of nuclear power plants, which have become fashionable to close in the past decade.

      Group of 46 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from 18 countries wrote a letter to the President of the European Commission, Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, calling for nuclear energy to be included in the EU's list of green investment categories. Eliminating nuclear power, they said, would help implement a strategy that is “clearly inadequate” for decarbonizing the region's economy.

      The letter argues that, to please several Member States, the Commission is making decisions that interfere with the normal development of nuclear power. Among other things, this leads to false media coverage of the harm of nuclear energy to human health. There are scientifically proven justifications for the safety of nuclear power at all stages of production for the environment and human health. False claims in the media not only interfere with this type of energy generation, but also threaten the entire decarbonization program of Europe.

      Nice thing.

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    MAGA: US infrastructure is in very bad shape
    • In February, Xi Jinping's government approved 15-year roadmap for the country's transportation network. It is expected that the republic's railway network will expand from 146.3 thousand kilometers in 2020 to 200 thousand by 2035. This is enough to round the equator more than 5 times. The plan also calls for the construction of 162 new civilian airports.

      In the United States, things are far from being so rosy. The last major airport, Denver International Airport, was built here in the mid-90s of the last century. On the railroad issue, the authorities were able to thwart even a bipartisan initiative to build the Gateway Tunnel on the busiest rail line in the United States between New York and New Jersey.

      China's infrastructure projects have not contained its borders for a long time. Since the One Belt, One Road concept was presented in 2013, Beijing has built or is planning to build power plants, railways, roads, ports and other projects worth $ 575 billion worldwide from Sri Lanka to Greece.

      Biden, being mentally unstable, intends to catch up with the PRC, but it will be impossible to do so. The United States will be forced to chase a competitor they can't match, spending colossal sums, because most of the American infrastructure is outdated and dilapidated. Citing a report by the American Society of Civil Engineers, Bloomberg reports that 43% of public roads in the United States are in poor or mediocre condition. At the same time, 42% of the country's bridges are at least half a century old, and the construction of 7.5% of them is generally considered imperfect.

      Things are bad.

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    War: Capitalism is totally fucked, GDP now requires huge injections
    • image

      GDP in case of zero budget deficit, only Germany economy looked sane.

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    Capitalism: Huge issues with chips availability are due to capitalists
    • The electronics manufacturing problem is well illustrated by the situation in the display market. Today, these are not only TVs and computer monitors, but also screens for automotive electronics, for household appliances - from coffee makers to refrigerators, for smartphones and tablets, and much more. At the heart of every piece of this vast product range is a small display driver chip, often costing well under one US dollar. But if it is absent then a product with a price of hundreds and thousands of dollars will remain inoperative.

      Display drivers are available on silicon wafers with a diameter of 200 mm or less. For their manufacture, the so-called mature technical processes are used with norms from 16 nm and more. On the one hand, such productions have been debugged over the years and even decades, when it comes to technological standards up to 100 nm and higher. This means that the level of scrap is minimal, and the production cost is very, very low. But on the other hand, production equipment with mature standards is worn out to such an extent that its operation is often accompanied by line breakdowns.

      It is easy to understand that the increased load on the equipment does not help it to work longer and more reliably. The incidents of accidents are only multiplying. Someone might say that the way out lies in the translation of the release of display drivers on 300-mm plates and more advanced technical processes. But this is not the case. To do this, you need to prepare digital projects, make photomasks and adapt production lines, which will be long and expensive. Also, purchasing new equipment for processing 200 mm plates also will reduce huge record profits of firm owners.

      Apparently, chip makers and developers took the path of least resistance. All of them along the chain began to raise prices for products, knowing the consumer will pay for their greed.

      This is one of the major information leaks.

      Several 200nm lines that had been bought as already used sometimes had been totally worn out.

      COVID big fluctuations that caused temporary stops and after this forced work just contributed to big failures across lot of manufacturers.

      And now industry is afraid to tell this to people as big profits that firms reported for years partly originate from not spending money on renewal, repairs and buying proper new equipment.

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    COVID: Vaccination won't affect new lockdowns, they'll continue
    • Minister of Health of France, Mr. Veron: "the vaccine is of low effectiveness against mutations of the virus and protection against the spread of the virus of the vaccinated is questionable. Also, vaccinated people are most susceptible to severe forms of the COVID disease and even death if the vaccine is ineffective or the vaccinated gets sick immediately after vaccination.

      Nice to know.

    4 comments 5 comments Vitaliy_KiselevApril 2021Last reply - April 2021 by garroulus Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Zoom started their own sanctions
    • As it became known to CNews, Russian government agencies and state-owned companies will no longer be able to use the Zoom videoconferencing service. The American company Zoom Video Communications has withdrawn from its partners the authorization to sell its service in an organization of this type in Russia from March 31, 2021. This information was confirmed by three sources in the market.

      According to the Zoom website, its authorized partners for the sale of licenses to Russia are the Moscow company Rightconf, the company Rokada (Rokada LLC) from Dubna near Moscow, as well as the international corporation Unify Square with headquarters in the USA and with offices in Germany, Great Britain. Switzerland, Singapore, India, Lithuania and Australia.

      It will end bad for Zoom.

      As it is already known for long that startup is used by large US and Eu based corporations to record and analyze meetings of their competitors and clients.

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    War: Mordor and China advantages in information area
    • Introductory note - that both Mordor and China have very old and very strong bureaucracy institutes. Sometimes they are very inefficient, but they can make extreme pressure and reach goals if they really want to do it.

      I already wrote about WeChat in China and how they and AliPay are making big infrastructure that Western companies can't get.

      Also lot of Western companies do not understand Xiaomi and their huge disruption with umbrella strategy and infrastructure approach. But Xiaomi now already makes around 200x more products than Apple and most of them are of consistent good quality and designed by EU designers mostly. Each year this number rise around 1.5-2x times. Xiaomi now attack huge number of US, EU and other countries domestic brands who used to order Chinese products (of bad quality mostly) and had good margins. Note that it is Chinese bureaucracy that stands behind this and allows such big structure to thrive.

      In Mordor we also have so called Gosuslugi site and infrastructure that also use umbrella approach were different branches of bureaucracy are turned into controlled system and use more or less standard protocols of informational exchange, of course they also fight back, but pressure and progress are easy to see. Usually people who move to EU or US are shocked that they live deep in 20th century style with extremely inefficient communication and heavy real mail usage.

      Also in Mordor Central bank pushed free transfers system (free up around 2x average salary amount per month per account) using phone number and central database. Big banks fought hard, as transfer fees are nice and no work is required. It is also fastest system, on average transfer is completed under 5-6 seconds. But central control and transparency had been considered more important compared to few more exotic meals on banks managers table.

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