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    War: Chia crypto scam already forced HDD and SSD prices jump
    • Miners are buying hard drives and solid-state drives to mine Chia, a cryptocurrency that will begin trading in early May. The situation has not yet reached a global deficit, but fresh reports from two other Asian publications have confirmed that prices for hard drives have already skyrocketed in some regions, and Seagate has confirmed in its financial report that it is facing a surge in demand associated with cryptocurrencies.

      This concerns large HDDs and large size SSDs.

      Until we will see open and hard repressions this scams won't stop.

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    War: Google Guacamole - now they will record you 24/7, legally
    • Google has begun testing a new feature for its voice assistant on Android devices. This is a tool that is being developed under the codename Guacamole and allows Google Assistant to execute quick commands, such as turning off an alarm or receiving a call, without having to say the phrase "Hey Google."

      Only real point here is to get excuse on why smartphone sends compressed recording of everything around 24/7.

      As my sources inside Google tell - this is only small project to try water, Google has huge big projects going for many years that will be part of Android and will make it into total police state OS.

      Present latest Android versions use only situate recording and recognition (if OS decides that something interesting is going on) that is later sent to advertising partners.

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    UK: Web sites visitors tracking and central database going online
    • In 2018, lawmakers amended the document "Communications Data Code of Practice", which describes the mechanisms of access to personal data of UK citizens by law enforcement agencies. It became known that the government plans to develop a unified database with the history of Internet browsing. It was planned to include tracking of visited resources, access time and duration, client IP, as well as some information about the user's device. Access to the database of police officers was provided using a special search engine - "request filter".

      The development of the new system has been carried out over the past two years - by the forces of Internet providers and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In March this year, the first test launches were carried out. Interestingly, the Investigatory Powers Bill prohibits providers from spreading about how the tests are going, but the Office of the Investigative Powers Commissioner (IPCO) notes that they conduct regular checks and try to assess which set of data will be "necessary and proportional to the task at hand.

      Total freedom comes, just make sure that you visit only proper sites and post only proper posts on any of them.

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    Bad Design: Ice Cubes Trays
    • image

      Firms normally do not care much, just put 3 cents stuff.

      Proper tray:


  • Follows1
    Bad design: Coffee machines as marketing nightmare
    • image

      At first I'll be touching only simple handle home machines (for small family) and some general things for now.

      All espresso and coffee machines stuff in general are very similar to audiophiles forums and you need mental strength to read all this nonsense.

      Same way prices go exponential as you want to approach perfection, and from quite low point the real taste won't be changing really much (same as sound won't be changing almost at all from quite cheap but good to top hi-end amplifier).

    39 comments 40 comments Vitaliy_KiselevApril 2021Last reply - January 2022 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Biden officially want US people to live miserable life
    • President Joe Biden announced a new goal to sharply cut down US greenhouse gas emissions this decade. The country’s new mandate is to reduce planet-heating gases by 50 to 52 percent of what the US emitted in 2005. It significantly ramps up a previous commitment under the Paris climate agreement made by former President Barack Obama, who pledged to slash emissions between 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025.

      I suggest to specially train your brain before reading next paragraph:

      The urgency for the US to gut its climate pollution has only grown since the Paris Agreement was adopted in 2015. Global carbon dioxide emissions need to drop by half this decade and reach close to zero by the middle of the century in order to hit the goals of the Paris Agreement and prevent some of the most devastating effects of climate change,

      So, by the middle of the century it will be only renewable energy with huge energy storage facilities (cost around around 25-50x more than actual solar panels), and all of this will be also totally renewable and use only renewable energy (as now around 99% of it is made using cheap coal, very cheap labor and rich ores).

      They forgot to tell you that such equipment and renewable process will cost around 10-20x more. So all of it will end quite fast and tragic.

      But, of course they do not plan to really make reliable renewable energy - all they want is to put you into miserable life, lack of good food and mobility. But also have some nice excuse that they tried, but unfortunately it did not work.

      This guys are criminals who want to make mass genocide.

    6 comments 7 comments Vitaliy_KiselevApril 2021Last reply - April 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Good quote: On capitalism future
    • The world is torn apart by a great many great and small contradictions, the solution of which is beyond the power of a person who is non-communist educated ... If humanity does not understand this and does not irrevocably take the path of creating a higher communist society, will not be able to resolutely re-educate itself, then it will be plunged into such abysses hunger and extermination, which the world has never heard of ... For me, the question is: either there will be an all-planetary communist society, or there will be none, but there will be sand and dust on a dead planet.

      I. Efremov

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    War: Linux kernel security seriously questioned
    • Researchers from the University of Minnesota - Qiushi Wu and Kangjie Lu in the framework of the study of the "insecurity" of the OSS model tried to find out how likely it is to intentionally add vulnerabilities to projects. Among other things, patches were sent to the Linux kernel.

      As a result, 4 patches passed the code review, including 3 containing very serious intentionally added vulnerabilities.

      Representatives of the Linux project tried to hide this all, and later filed a complaint about the study to the university administration to try to punish researchers, but did not find support.

      Situation with modern Linux is very bad, it is acceptable only on consumer and small usual companies level.

      If any of government agencies or even top hacker group will become interested any server can be hacked and almost all traces removed. Modern kernel have around hundred of vulnerabilities allowing to jump from user ring to kernel ring. Windows is very similar here.

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