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    AMD chipsets and activator chip
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    War: Chinese telecoms leave NYSE, retaliation will follow soon
    • Three leading Chinese telecommunications companies - China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom - announced late last week that they will be delisted from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) trading list in accordance with the US investment restrictions imposed by the Donald Trump administration last year.

      US President Joe Biden upheld the decree amid continuing tensions between the world's two largest economies, despite objections from business. NYSE suspended trading in shares of China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom on January 11 this year.

      The companies told investors last Friday that they had challenged their delisting from the New York Stock Exchange, but were notified on May 6 that their appeals had been rejected.

      It is expected that few of large US companies having retail and other business presence in China will be asked to leave in coming month. Some rumors even suggest that Apple offline retail can be int his list.

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    Golden Globe as nest of white supremacists
    • Tom Cruise turned down Golden Globe awards after accusing the film awards organization as nest of white racists. The actor returned his awards for Best Male Actor in Jerry Maguire and Born on July 4th, as well as a statuette for a supporting role in Magnolia.

      Whiteness of organizers of the film award were criticized by actress Scarlett Johansson and actor Mark Ruffalo, as well as streaming services Netflix and Amazon, both have already withdrawn all their films from nominations for the award.

      The scandal began with an investigation into the financial schemes of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA), which awards the awards. The authors of the investigation pointed to the biggest crime they found during it - the white supremacism of the association: among its 87 members, there is not a single black one. The organizers promised to very quickly correct this and make at least half of the members black. But it did not help much. Now it is discussed that association should limit white members number to below 15% and also introduce special practice of getting on the knees during awards ceremony.

      On smaller, rather unimportant note, the American Golden Globe Film Awards many months ago were convicted of corruption, but no one cared. In the summer of 2020, Norwegian journalist Kjersti Flaa filed a lawsuit against the jury of the event, as they did not accept her into the organization. Flaa said there is a "cult of corruption" flourishing within the HFPA and noted that the association accepts "thousands of dollars in rewards" from studios and celebrities who subsequently receive Golden Globes.

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    Soviet March, new version
    • Советский Союз бьет заклятых врагов!
      Империалистов, хозяев оков.
      Вставай пролетарий, рви рабскую плеть
      И гимн победный будет весь мир петь!

      Под красное знамя в единый союз
      Всех объединяет Великая Русь
      В несокрушимый надежный оплот
      Где к коммунизму Ленин ведет нас!

      Вставай же с колен мир голодных рабов
      Теперь мы едины, где каждый готов
      Смелее товарищ, порвем цепи зла
      Идет борьба за правое дело!

      Вперед за победой для нашей страны!
      Мы красному знамени будем верны!
      И Ленин великий наш путь озарил!
      На этот подвиг он вдохновил нас

      Finally with sane words.

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    War: News from inside of "independent press"
    • I already talked a lot about energy use by crypto scam -

      But inside community of presstitutes (aka writers of one large online site covering tech and similar stuff, very popular) it is considered no-no subject.

      It is not only impossible to write anything that will link CO2, global warming and crypto scam (as it can make mess in people heads, because same people will be both against and for the same thing). Authors understand it clearly for long, as it won't pass even initial review.

      But it is also advisable to never touch any of this subjects in their own social media accounts or via email. Even in private encrypted chat they are very cautious and usually ask to use tools that will have such chats auto deleted.

      Crypto scam is now sacred topic, as owners give clear instructions to support it, help new currencies and do everything to keep valuation at high levels.

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    War: Turkey fight with crypto scam
    • Turkey added cryptocurrency trading platforms to the list of firms covered by anti-money laundering and terrorism financing regulation, it said in a presidential decree published early on Saturday.

      The Official Gazette said the country's latest expansion of rules governing cryptocurrency transactions would take immediate effect and cover "crypto asset service providers", which would be liable to the existing regulations.

      Last month Turkey's central bank banned the use of crypto assets for payments on the grounds such transactions were risky. In the days that followed two Turkey-based cryptocurrency trading platforms were halted under separate investigations.

      It is good measures.

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