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    War: IEA - world just does not have resources for mad green energy ideas
    • The International Energy Agency (IEA), the world's premier source of energy information, has published a 287-page report, "The Role of Essential Minerals in the Transition to Clean Energy." In short - "The transition to clean energy: not very soon, very difficult and not very clean."

      The IEA has collected a wealth of data on a fundamental and still largely ignored aspect of the energy transition. It turns out that this requires a mining industry and infrastructure that doesn't exist. Wind, solar and battery technologies are built from a gigantic amount of "minerals for generating and transporting energy" that need to be mined and processed. The IEA estimates that with the global energy transition, demand for key minerals such as lithium, graphite, nickel and rare earth metals will skyrocket, increasing by 4,200%, 2,500%, 1,900% and 700%, respectively, by 2040.

      There is no physical capacity to meet this demand. As noted by the IEA, there are no even rough plans for the financing and construction of the necessary mines and processing plants. The declared energy transition is completely undesirable. If it begins to be implemented in quantities dictated by the goals of the energy transition, the world will face not only serious environmental, economic and social problems, but also geopolitical risks.

      The IEA warns of a fundamental fact that advocates of the transition never mention: Clean energy machines use far more important minerals than conventional energy machines. "A conventional electric vehicle requires six times more mineral resources than a conventional car, and an onshore wind turbine requires nine times more mineral resources than a gas-fired power plant," the report said. In 2010, the average amount of minerals required for a new block of generating capacity increased by 50%, as the share of renewable energy sources increased. It's just so that the share of wind and sun in the world's electricity is only 10%.

      The IEA notes that this will be "a transition from an energy-intensive to a material-intensive energy system." This means eliminating liquids and gases, the extraction and transportation of which leaves a very light ecological footprint on land and is transported easily, cheaply and efficiently to mines with a large mining area, energy-intensive transportation of huge quantities of rocks and other solid materials, as well as subsequent chemical processing. and enrichment.

      Ramping up production cannot happen overnight. The IEA notes: "On average, it takes more than 16 years to complete mining projects from paper to first production." If you start tomorrow, the production of energy transfer equipment will not begin until after 2035. This is a major challenge for the Green Elves' plan to achieve 100% carbon-free electricity by 2035.

      The global mining boom, which will leave behind all sorts of environmental consequences, will require a cyclopean amount of water, and this is when about half of the world's lithium and copper production comes from areas with high water scarcity. To this should be added the pollution of the environment by drainage waters from mines, discharge of waste water after enrichment and storage of sludge.

      IEA data show that mining expansion will take place mainly in countries with "poor corporate governance", where "corruption and bribery pose serious risks."

      The IEA has pointed the US to the large geopolitical risks of the energy transition. For example, today the oil and gas market is characterized by a wide diversification of supply. The three largest manufacturers, including the United States, account for less than half of the world's supply. But after the energy transition, there will be a situation when the world will have three leading producers of three key components of "green" energy, which control more than 80% of world supplies.

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    Humor: Petrov and Boshirov
    • Был у май­о­ра Бо­ши­ро­ва
      То­ва­рищ — майор Пет­ров,
      Слу­жи­ли они в раз­вед­ке
      Еще с 10-х годов.
      Вме­сте склады взры­ва­ли
      В Чехии, взяв пивку,
      Вме­сте же при­уча­ли
      Скри­па­лей к “Но­вич­ку”.
      Вме­сте подло укра­ли
      Флаг США на Луне,
      Вме­сте про­бир­ки ме­ня­ли
      Через дырку в стене.
      Вме­сте бе­ре­зу рас­ти­ли
      И на­во­ди­ли борт,
      Вме­сте не до­пу­сти­ли
      Греты Тун­берг аборт.
      Вме­сте из­бра­ли Трам­па,
      Гра­би­ли Белый дом,
      Вме­сте со­зда­ли пол­ный
      На Укра­ине дур­дом.
      Вме­сте назначили украм
      В пре­зи­ден­ты шута,
      Вме­сте об­ли­ли пост­ным
      Мас­лом трап у борта.
      Вме­сте осу­ще­стви­ли
      Сотни ки­бе­р­атак,
      Вме­сте мозга ли­ши­ли
      Раду и Бун­дес­таг.
      “Если слу­жишь Рос­сии,
      То тру­дись, как пчела!” —
      Такая уж по­го­вор­ка
      У май­о­ров была!

      Bad english version

      Major Boshirov's had a
      Comrade - Major Petrov,
      They served in intelligence
      Since the 10s.
      Together they blew warehouses
      In the Czech Republic, while drinking a beer,
      Together they taught
      Skripal how to eat “Novichok”.
      Together they meanly stole
      USA flag on the moon,
      Together the test tubes were changed
      Through a hole in the wall.
      We grew birch together
      And guided the Polish plane,
      Together they cowardly not allowed
      Greta Thunberg abortion.
      They chosen Trump together for poor US
      And robbed the White House
      Together they created a complete
      In Ukraine madhouse.
      Together they appointed
      Joke for the president to yellow-blues,
      Doused lean oil together
      On famous airplane ladder.
      Together they carried out
      Hundreds of cyberattacks
      Together the brain was stripped for both
      Rada and the Bundestag.
      “If you serve Russia,
      Then work like a bee! " -
      Such a saying
      The majors had!

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    COVID: More viruses coming as gene printing will become widely available
    • image

      Nuclera, a fast-growing biotech company developing enzymatic protein and gene synthesis technologies, and E Ink, the leading innovator of electronic ink technology, are pleased to announce the acquisition of E Ink’s digital microfluidics unit into the newly formed US subsidiary of Nuclera. Combining the technologies of the two companies will enable the delivery of a revolutionary desktop protein and gene “bioprinter” with breakthrough speed and convenience for researchers in human health, agriculture, and other markets of global importance.

      Nuclera has been working in a strategic partnership with E Ink since 2018 to deploy Nuclera’s proprietary biopolymer synthesis technologies on E Ink’s digital microfluidic devices. Instead of the physical channels found in conventional microfluidics, digital microfluidics uses electronic signals to guide microdroplets. When combined with Nuclera biopolymer synthesis, this advanced lab-on-a-chip technology will enable a user to digitally program the next day bioprinting of proteins and genes on a desktop device. The result is a bioprinter that gives unprecedented access to biology. Commercialization is expected in 2022.

    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMay 2021Last reply - May 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Capitalism: School shooting in Mordor, closing up with US
    • Some stupid people and government clerks already decided about reasons and sources. Of course it is due to weapons availability and due to computer games. But also we need to add fences, security guards and made special courses for teachers on how to deal with guns and how to shoot people.

      In the USSR, schools were not guarded at all, and no one was afraid to let their children go to them. And the children themselves were not afraid to go there. I came to my school not only in the morning, but also in the evening, and in fact almost at night. No one closed the doors or guarded. And if in the morning at the entrance it was sometimes possible to meet at least a cloakroom attendant, then in the evening - no one at all, I just opened the school door myself and walked through the half-empty building to the class I needed.

      Believe it or not, in the USSR there were practically no bars on the windows, even on the first floors, there were no iron apartment doors, there were no guards at all in shops, video cameras at every step, turnstiles at railway stations, in buses and trams, and much, much more familiar in our days was not.

      Why was it so? Because there was hellish totalitarianism, probably.

      Under capitalism, "freedom" came, so there are guards, controllers, concierges, watchdogs and fighting dogs, fences, turnstiles, frames, translucent devices, bulletproof glass, intercoms, iron doors, combination locks and video cameras. And the incessant hysteria about security, going on as a familiar background.

      And school shootings also came.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevMay 2021Last reply - May 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Gigabyte products wiped out from Chinese online market
    • Gigabyte stated that they do not rate Chinese products as high quality, claiming that Taiwan-made electronics were of higher quality.

      The reaction from the PRC was not long in coming.

      The attempt to atack competitors ordering products from Chinese OEMs caused an immediate reaction in the Chinese segment of the Web. The statements were re-posted here more than 6,000 times, and the statement itself received more than 5,000 comments.

      Gigabyte later issued an apology saying that the company "has been doing business in mainland China for over 20 years and will deeply analyze inappropriate comments and adjust actions to comply with national guidelines."

      As it turned out, the manufacturer was late. Major Chinese retailers including and other major marketplaces have removed Gigabyte product offerings from their online platforms.


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