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    War: Lack of vacations and pension savings will be normal
    • American motivational speaker, life coach and business coach Tony Robbins spoke about the changes that have taken place in the global labor market. If earlier a specialist could make a career, working in one company throughout his life, and retire, then millennials and subsequent generations will not be able to do this.
      “Stable employment, annual paid vacations and pensions are now about as 'realistic' as keeping cash under a mattress,” said the business coach. "Young people who are building their future in America, and around the world, for that matter, must learn new rules."

      Life will be better and better, to be short. Until someone will organize working people to end this improvements once and for all.

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    War: Energy based genocide coming
    • The International Energy Agency (IEA) has called on countries to immediately abandon new projects in the oil and gas sector, stop building CHP plants, and by 2035 abandon gasoline-powered cars. This is the only way to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and keep the global temperature rise at around 1.5 ° C, the organization said in a report published on Tuesday.

      Humanity still has a “narrow but achievable” opportunity to achieve zero emissions, but the effort it will take makes it “arguably the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced,” notes IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol. According to him, the world needs decisive action, "backed by broad international cooperation."

      At the same time, even if the governments of the countries fulfill all the commitments on climate that they gave, including under the Paris Agreement, this will not be enough to keep the global temperature rise at an acceptable level, the report says. In addition to moving away from oil and gas and switching to electric vehicles, countries need to quadruple solar and wind energy. To do this, according to the agency's estimates, governments will have to more than double investments in renewable energy - up to $ 5 trillion.

      However, so far not all countries are fulfilling their earlier promises, the organization states. “We are seeing more and more governments around the world commit to zero emissions, and this is very good news.

      Things seems very bad if they are so open so soon.

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    War: Source of huge inflation can be... China
    • Very interesting rumor from one talk with Chinese business owner.

      Not many people know that China printed last ear much more money than even US. And lot of them are unaccounted as it is regional credits and special preferences (like tax returns or tax exceptions).

      As soon as market situation started to improve all of business owners started to stockpile stuff using this free money. This includes house building industry and also electronic industry.

      Guy I talked with said that lot of his partners initially stockpiled stuff up to 80% of their storage capacity, but as soon as they saw new record US and EU orders and heard about containers shortages they upped this up to 100-110% of capacity. This caused severe shortages not only inside China, but also on all outside markets. Lot of Chinese firms sent special people to Mordor and Australia to stock as much wood and resources as possible.

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    Mordor: Now it is only two of them
    • Magnit has agreed to purchase Dixy Group stores, the buyer said in a statement. As part of the deal, 2,612 Dixy stores will be acquired, as well as 39 retail outlets under the Megamart brand. Preliminary estimate of the acquired business - 92.4 billion rubles.

      Now it is only two big food retail chains in Mordor.

      It is expected that we will see huge cuts in workforce and closure of up to 80% of stores, as most of them are located near exactly same Magnit stores.

      It is also only two consumer electronic chains left.

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    MAGA: US export drops, import is financed by printing money
    • The Port of Los Angeles data, the main US port for receiving containers:

      • in April, 946,966 containers (twenty-foot equivalent units) passed through the port, which became a record in the entire 114-year history of the port, 37% higher than last year and 29% higher than 2019;
      • at the same time, imports to the United States increased by 32.4% compared to last year, while exports from the United States decreased by 12%, while exports decreased for 27 of the last 30 months;
      • as a result, the ratio of imports to exports reached 4.3 in April, which became a new record, and the number of empty containers that are returned to Asia reached 342,000, which is 81.6% more (almost twice) than last year.

      No one knows how long China will supply all this goods in return for nothing (except nice smile).

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    War: BLM was just marketing decision
    • image

      This is that stands behind BLM. US just needs fast "nice" ideas adoption and will try to exploit black population outside US much more than they do today.

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    War: US has secret 60k cyberspace army who also do real word diversions
    • Over the past decade, the US Department of Defense has created a conspiratorial branch of troops numbering about 60 thousand people. Their task includes both the fight against views and doings that US don't like and pushing further confrontation with such powers as the Russian Federation and China, according to Newsweek magazine.

      This information was the result of a two-year investigation, which, in particular, included interviews with participants in this program and with US defense decision-makers.

      This branch of the military - 10 times the number of similar CIA forces - is served by both direct military personnel and operatives under civil cover, sometimes in commercial enterprises or consulting firms, and they operate in real situations and in cyberspace. This "secret covert army" also employs civilians and contractors "operating under false names; this is partly a natural result of the growth of secret special forces, but also a deliberate response to the complexities of travel and action in an increasingly transparent world."

      "The concealment of the identities (of the employees of these forces) is at the center of the fight against terrorism and wrong views, but is also part of the Pentagon's reorientation of competing with the great powers Russia and China," it is about fighting "below the level of armed conflict." and fighting in the gray zone.

      About 130 private companies, dozens of little-known and secret government organizations are involved in the program. Companies spend over $ 900 million a year on the actions of the "army": the costs include the creation of false documentation, payment of the bills of operatives acting under false names, the production of equipment that makes it difficult to track and identify agents, the creation of equipment for photographing and wiretapping in the most remote parts of Africa, and The Middle East.

      At the same time, employees of these forces not only act against terrorists, commercial competitors and just non-friendly individuals in different regions from Pakistan to West Africa, but "increasingly work in unrecognized hot spots", including behind the "front line" in places like North Korea and Iran.

      Cyberspace part is very important to these forces: "cutting edge cyber fighters and intelligence collectors" hide their identities, search for valuable targets, collect public information and campaign to influence and manipulate social media.

      "The explosive growth of the Pentagon's information operations has resulted in the emergence of thousands of spies on a daily basis under the guise of various fictitious personalities - this is the type of dishonest operations that the United States openly condemns when Russian and Chinese spies do the same,".

      The journal clarifies that this branch of the military is a "completely unregulated activity", the exact size of which is unknown. According to the newspaper, the US Congress has never held a hearing in this case. There has also been no study of the impact of such large-scale camouflage activities on "military politics and culture."

      Newsweek adds that the trend towards large-scale growth of covert forces runs counter to US law, the Geneva Conventions, the rules of warfare and military accountability.

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