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    Capitalism: Search engines turned into mess
    • Let's search for "free hosting" on popular search engines:

      • DuckDuckGo: 2 Ads + 10 Results
      • Google: 4 ads + 10 results + 3 more ads
      • Bing: 4 Ads + 10 Results + 4 More Ads
      • Yandex: 4 ads + 10 results + 5 more ads
      • Yahoo: 5 ads + 7 results + 3 more ads

      And 99% of non ads paid huge money to SEOs, fake reviews and fake links to be on top.

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    Capitalism: Musicians and exploitation mess
    • Platforms like Spotify don't pay for individual streams. They are initially aimed at calculating the remuneration depending on the share of the number of listening to music of one author or another in the "common pot" of streams of all content released on the site. With this approach, there is nothing surprising in the fact that performers from the ten most famous performers earn several times more than slightly less popular musicians. Independent and aspiring creators who are not among the leaders are simply swept the crumbs off the table, even if they gain hundreds of thousands of plays.

      Other streaming services that use a similar billing model pay even less, by the way - Pandora and YouTube average $ 0.00203 and $ 0.00154 per stream. It turns out that the problem is of a systemic nature, and if the bulk of the venues continue to adhere to the chosen course, ordinary musicians will get less and less. And at some point, they may completely lose interest in working with such services.

      Most people ignore that huge corporations dropped the value of music, video and writing work and they make huge - hundreds of billions a year profits on this. As themselves they are doing nothing, except very questionable quality services and aggregation. But in capitalism it is no real solution for all this.

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    COVID: Instant cure mentioned during 2020 fall returns
    • In its current release, the Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia revealed the details of the developed antidote for coronavirus. Called "World 19" entiotropic agent as an active component uses small interfering RNAs (miRNAs), which specifically destroy a specific region of the viral genome, which is responsible for its replication.

      Experiments on animals have shown that the concentration of the virus is reduced by 10 thousand times, the drug does not affect the human genome and is absolutely safe for humans. In addition, the regions of the virus genome, selected as a target for the drug's action, are highly conservative, practically do not undergo mutations, and therefore remain relevant for any of the known lines of coronavirus, including the British and Indian ones, said the head of the Agency Veronika Skvortsova.

      The pronounced antiviral effect of the drug, confirmed in the experiment, made it possible to assume its maximum effectiveness in the earliest period after human infection - in the first 2-3 days, in the so-called viral phase.

      Permission for the first phase of clinical trials was received on December 30, 2020. Taking into account that MIR 19 is a new molecule that is first used in humans, the first phase of clinical trials was carried out especially carefully and was completed on March 27, 2021.The first phase demonstrated good tolerability of the drug and its complete safety with single and repeated use in wide dose range.

      04/14/2021 official permission was obtained to conduct phase II clinical trials and from 26.04.2021 they began in the clinical centers of the FMBA of Russia in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

      The end of the II phase of clinical trials is planned by mid-August 2021. and in case of confirmation of the effectiveness of the drug in patients with a new coronavirus infection, the drug will be submitted for registration.

      As I understand, it is final warning.

    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJuly 2021Last reply - July 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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