GH2 Hacking FAQ
Using old versions of PTool, when recording video, the LCD will display “Auto” for
ISO, no matter the actual
ISO setting. This is just cosmetic. Your actual
ISO setting is being used.
Videos recorded with some high bit rate settings don't play back in the camera. In some cases, turning the camera off and back on after a playback error will resolve the problem.
If anything unexplained happens after flashing, try resetting the camera. (Menu, Setup, Reset)
There are sporadic reports of a “file number limit exceeded” error message when attempting to record with 64-
GB SDXC cards. Details are sketchy, but it looks like the problem is fixed by reformatting the card, and avoided by recording a short clip after spanning and before turning the camera off. We need more information about this problem.
Misc. stuff
It is recommended that you format your memory card in the camera before recording video, especially if you have deleted any files from the memory card, or if you are using high bit rate PTool settings. Formatting reduces the chances of a memory card write error.
SanDisk Extreme HD Video SDHC 30
MB/s, 16
SanDisk Extreme HD Video SDHC 30
MB/s, 32
SanDisk Extreme Pro SDHC 95
MB/s, 32
SanDisk Extreme Pro SDXC 95
MB/s, 64
A few users have reported that new camera bodies wouldn't accept a hacked firmware image. This problem was solved by increasing the “Version increment” PTool parameter. Otherwise, it works to flash firmware images in any order: you can go between hacked and unhacked, v1.0e and v1.1.
PERSONAL VIEWサイト内に、様々なハッカーの人たちが作ったセッティング・ファイルの倉庫があります。
settings vault.
Beta settings are new, unproven settings that require testing. They are found in personal-view
discussion threads, where you can also report the results of your testing to the settings developers.
PToolの入手方法、PToolを使ったハックの方法と手順、WindowsアプリであるPToolをMacOS上で使う方法等については、raitank blog内にも日本語による解説ページがありますので、そちらをご覧ください。
GH2他パナソニック製の数々のカメラをハックしてPToolによりファームウェアをカスタマイズ可能にした張本人、Vitaliy Kiselev氏へ感謝の気持ちを込めてカンパしましょう!
金額は少なくても構いません。クレジットカード番号を知らせる必要のない PayPalも使えますので、無理の無い範囲で何回でもご協力をよろしくお願いします。