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Meetup: Berlin Brandenburg
  • @dalryan June @vic20 @johanson @atticusd @EOSHD Hallo allerseits, ich habe mich mal der Einrichtung einer Berlin-Brandenburg Gruppe angenommen, so weit sich sehen konnte, gibt es noch keine, oder doch?

    @Vitaliy_Kiselev Vitaliy, is there a dedicated category section for regional groups?

  • 10 Replies sorted by
  • ich befürchte da bleibst Du alleine, in Berlin-Brandenburg, obwohl große, sehr große Region ;) - einen Abschnitt "regionale Gruppen" gibt es nicht. Trotzdem - gutes Licht!

    Ich vertrete die Küste in Nord-Vorpommern . . .

  • Great, I will try to show up in Berlin although I live 900km away- attended to go to Berlin anyway soon. Following this thread now :-)

  • Moin, Moin! I will be there!

    Greetings Alexander from Hamburg

  • Guys, we are english speaking forum, so change your posts.

  • Yeah, please let's stick to English here.

    I'm in, living in Braunschweig which is just a bit over one hour from Berlin by fast train (or two if the weather is fine and I decide to open my old convertible). Plus, I can offer Braunschweig in the middle of Germany (OK – more or less the middle) for a meeting with test charts, lights and lots of lenses to try if the date fits.

    BTW, anybody joining "Beyond hands on HD" ? ( )

  • Looks like we might as well have a Germany meet up for all regions. Maybe it could be linked to some other film event so people have more than one reason to travel. Any suggestions?

  • @kodakmoment

    Let me know if someone is interested in organizing winter meetup.

  • I'd offer a meeting place with facilities once more in Braunschweig.

  • @nomad

    Any date and time options?

  • What do you all think about the first week in January? I'm still flexible then.