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can panny LX3 be hacked?
  • i'm planning to buy a lx3 for my wife. but because i live in japan, in here all the menu is in japanese! :(
    can we hack the firmware just like gh1 can?
    well at least i want to have an english menu in it..
    thanks before
  • 4 Replies sorted by
  • Most probably it can be hacked.
    I don't have any plans to do it.
  • oh no..
    if the expert already said that, then i don't have other choice than to buy it in my country next time i go back home.. :(
  • @shouwa403
    You can get it at ebay instead.
  • aah that's seems to be a good idea!
    why i don't even think about it.. damn..
    thanks a lot vitaly!!