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Next step of your goverment
  • People are so used to progress and improvements that it make them hard to imagine other reality.

    And in this reality, goverments who now cut various teachers, policemens, pensions, will make the next step.
    They'll cut dotations to agro business, to energy infrastructure (most green energy donations will end this year, btw).
    I know, it is hard to imagine, but numbers tell us that they have no other solution. And this next step will put ordinary people between two things - from one side it'll be dropping income, from other side it'll be fast prices rise on the things you can not live without. And both will be accompanied by huge company in mass media telling you how it could be much worse, but they worked hard and saved the day.

  • 61 Replies sorted by
  • "Choco rations going up.


    Twenty-five grams next week.

    Doubleplus good."

  • which will spike more and more revolt until the system collapses and we'll have something new .. or we're all dead.

  • but numbers tell us that they have no other solution

    That's the whole problem isn't it? This religious belief in the holy Numbers. Humans came up with this virtual economy of numbers. I'm waiting for the day that we reset and reconnect it to the 'real', tangible stuff in the world. The day that the whole financial crisis broke out and the banks crumbled nothing had changed in the 'real' world. All our houses were still there, no people had vanished, the crops were still growing in the fields. Time for people to realize that and put their feet back on the ground. The problem is, we have to do 'en masse'. How to organize that?

  • @dtr

    That's the whole problem isn't it? This religious belief in the holy Numbers. Humans came up with this virtual economy of numbers.

    No it is not a problem.

    I understand, of course, that everyone want simple solutions and media provides them. Like, we are all screwd by banks and virtual economy, so fuck this motherfuckers and we'll live happily. Won't work.

    The day that the whole financial crisis broke out and the banks crumbled nothing had changed in the 'real' world. All our houses were still there, no people had vanished, the crops were still growing in the fields.

    This is childish point of view.


  • This is childish point of view.

    That's not much of an argument, is it? ;)

    Look, I'm not an TV-dumbed-down idiot and I fully understand the linkage between the 'virtual' financial and the 'real' tangible economy. I understand how the financial economy has boosted the tangible economy, mostly in the west. And how now the downfall of the financial is dragging the tangible along with it.

    I also understand how a lot of the current wealth in the west has been created through the financial system. And how denouncing it without wanting to give up (a part of) that wealth is hypocrite. But I'm not. I make explicit choices in my life according to it. (NB: I'm not saying that I'm a saint either, but I'm a lot more consequent than most in my region of the world.)

    Point is that the financial economy overshot it's target - supporting tangible economy - by large and has now become a threat to it. The numbers have become the target and the ones running them are willing to sacrifice everything else in their favor. How else would you explain a stock market where algorithms sell and buy stocks every millisecond? It doesn't matter what goods these stocks represent. It's only about the numbers' fluctuations and the profit they generate.

  • what green energy donations will stop this year? where? it is a booming sector at least in some parts of europe...and btw what is the solution you see? you would know if you have lived in a small,(family) farm with a few animals and a piece of decent land i don't think you will notice any of this shit going on least not so maybe its not so childish after all. for the people leaving on credit is tough times ahead...for people leaving of real things not so much...the problem is that bigger part of the population leaves in the city and nothing grows there...apart form services and sales...numbers are not bad when 1+1=2 ; ) but it doesn't anymore...btw i think there is big push to destroy the EU since its currency was becoming the most powerful currency globally so make a whild guess who didn't like this? also france will change government pretty soon and their accent will most likely be on growth then the apocalyptic scenarios would be avoided if more governments start thinking about this as well...whatever growt means....

  • @dtr

    That's not much of an argument, is it? ;)

    Yep, it is not an argument. At all.

    Problem is that you insist on "solution" that is not solution, unfortunately.
    I very much like it to be solution, but it won't work.


    what green energy donations will stop this year? where? it is a booming sector at least in some parts of europe...

    I can only guide you to google and corresponding sites about green energy donations in EU countries.
    It is real problem of many companies in this sectors due to sad fact that without donations whole sector works very bad.

    also france will change government pretty soon and their accent will most likely be on growth then the apocalyptic scenarios would be avoided if more governments start thinking about this as well


    I also want to ask you write without "..." and use paragraphs.

  • So what then do you think is a viable solution?

  • So what then do you think is a viable solution?

    What you understand under viable?

    Despite mass media claims and education we live in highly competitive world.
    And for almost every country viable solutions include parts that are not viable for others.

  • A good thing to do is sell all your stocks and buy Spam.

  • Well, we all gonna die some day. LOL. As far as the green energy resources, do you think there will be a global cut? I know they rely on government and very often on big central EU support but i also think there are some countries that still follow some local policies and interests so will just need to wait and see. I friend of mine works in the solar panels industry and they have never been better around here. Would ask him for some insights. Of course this is not the only green energy source but is a big part of it.

    @biranluce you mean like spam,spam, spam? ; )

  • Despite mass media claims and education we live in highly competitive world. And for almost every country viable solutions include parts that are not viable for others.

    Indeed. And in the European Union people even had the illusion that all countries can compete with each other and all be winners at the same time. How shortsighted.

    The big question in that respect is whether humans can ever reach a global awareness that will make them act in respect of the entire planet, and not just their person/household/family/region/country. The notion of countries as independent units will have to change as well. One thing we can thank big business for is that they already started doing that for us ;)

    I think we can reach that global awareness and respect but it's going to take a lot more pain before we get there, eg. wars over natural resources.

  • @dtr EU have never had illusions on competition. its a few powerful economies that drive the whole union in reality. but for me EU is good because its a step in what you are wishing for a global awareness. People(most of them) move, work and live wherever they choose mixing cultures and backgrounds reducing the risk of a military confrontation over resources. at lest within the union. this one one of the reasoning behind the whole idea. then of course there will be the EU vs. US vs. China vs. India vs. Brazil vs. whatever next bigger entity, so yes a long way to go...(here"..." is intended ; )

    and just for the record do you leave in EU or US ?

  • The big question in that respect is whether humans can ever reach a global awareness that will make them act in respect of the entire planet, and not just their person/household/family/region/country. The notion of countries as independent units will have to change as well.

    Quite typical point of view that are in line with previous solution. But this, second "solution", is ten folds more dangerous.

    but it's going to take a lot more pain before we get there, eg. wars over natural resources.

    Yep, but pain (read - hundreds of millions that are not required by global market), are necessary. :-) Quite peaceful POV, isn't it?

  • @dtr i meant to say "live" obviously

  • If the us is down, really down.
    There will be a global coin. and they will call it credits.

  • and just for the record do you leave in EU or US ?


    Quite typical point of view that are in line with previous solution. But this, second "solution", is ten folds more dangerous.

    How is it more dangerous if people think about what the consequences are of what they do, how they live, what they buy and eat, etc on the global scale?

  • @dtr so you don't see anything positive about the EU for example the things i was referring to ?

    as far as the choices you mentioned, i believe this is the ONLY real "democracy" at the moment. make a selection in your consuming habits - that is the real power to change anything since everything depends on this. for example reduce the use of your 3(!!!) family cars when possible and as a result the artificially inflated price of gas would go down pretty quickly if it is a global or at lest a bigger region trend. oh wait, maybe this will bring the end of the world which is very complex and domino like connected. well be it. otherwise is just a (scaremongering) chit chat over a coffee , beer or whatever is to your liking (of course made by your favorite multinational corporation that is!)

  • @dtr so you don't see anything positive about the EU for example the things i was referring to ?

    Sure I do! For one, I've lived in 3 EU countries so far and studied in 2 of them so I've been very much enjoying the freedom of movement inside the EU.

    I totally support the ideal view of the EU you depicted. It remains to be seen how long it will hold though, with Greece threatened by expulsion from the Euro as first sign of desintegration. The EU started with combined economic and political ideals. From the current discourse it seems its reason for existence is now only economic (this is not only an issue in the EU). That economy is inherently competitive and will lead to internal conflicts and ultimately the disbanding of the EU, if it doesn't get retied by political/ideological bounds.

  • @dtr so if you and me and the not so small network of people related to us and then to them etc, etc... would like to hold on to the EU we might as well influence its existence. at least this is the concept. Just like the buying habits. or we can just be as negative as possible and let it take its own logical course. for sure its easy to be negative and on the contrary it takes a lot courage and persistence to let good things happen. our micro environments influence the big picture - just like the pixels ; )

    Unfortunately, there is a very big external push to destroy it. it become too powerful to soon and threatened the older deal brokers. this is what is bothering me. rating agencies decide which country is worth it and which no. oh, btw most of them are US based (just a coincidence of course)or at least very related to the US.

  • Yep, it is not an argument. At all.

    I think @dtr has an argument. He's saying that if you take out corporate greed from the equation, global competition can work for the benefit of people and everyone can have basic necessities.

  • if you take out corporate greed from the equation

    How it is different from the human nature? And how you want to "take it out from the equation"?

    global competition can work for the benefit of people and everyone can have basic necessities.

    Everyone has different understanding of "basic necessities".
    And global competition always work, it just becomes more and more complicated.

  • How it is different from the human nature? And how you want to "take it out from the equation"?

    You restore the rule of law. And change those laws that allow people playing monopoly. The large majority of the people is asking for this, so in a democracy it's only a matter of time. Unless we go back to totalitarian systems of control, but i don't even want to talk about that.

    Everyone has different understanding of "basic necessities".

    Food, housing and higher education.

    And global competition always work, it just becomes more and more complicated.

    It's being made complicated through all these fancy theories and models. But i agree with @dtr. There's nothing really different the day before and the day after the financial collapse began. There's just a very complicated list of who owes who, and they should have reversed this, like Matt Taibbi said. Instead they kept all this debt, flooded the economy with QEs and bailouts and hoped for it to trickle down. This is not complicated. It is called stealing.

  • Everyone has different understanding of "basic necessities".

    I believe there still some universal principles on what is basic necessities, for example food, house, work, education, healthcare system. Basic cornerstones for societies. Some have them some don't , but they still exist as a basic necessities. At least my humble experience from 4 Continents so far.

    How it is different from the human nature?

    Vitaly, do think human nature is bad in its core?

    And how you want to "take it out from the equation"?

    Maybe by the only choice left - stop buy things we don't need. Corporations need markets. Disrupt the market of certain products and you would see change in their producers. There are no ethics involved in their decisions. If a certain product is not sold well, it is discontinued. so by making a smart choice, what is good and sustainable, education needed on the matter of course, what to buy and what not one directly influences corporations at least on the short run. So for example if there is a demand for solar panels, just to bring the topic again and there is a profit to be made of it, they will produce them.

    With banks is a little more complex and vicious circle.

  • government needs to be un-involved in business and personal issues like health care etc, they are the creators of bubbles and monopolies.. the governments roll is to protect personal freedoms and that is all. People will take care of them self's if they have to all this government hand out crap has to stop. Here in the USA we have people that are 3rd generation welfare recipients.. because its easier to game the system than work. they do it by choice because its simply easier. Just like water flows it will always go the least way of resistance.