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12-45mm f/4 pro Olympus lens
  • I got this lens used in perfect condition for half the price, great deal.

    It is amazing. From wide angle to portrait closeup. Constant f/4 with constant light when zooming. Face and eye detection continous autofocus works great if the person moves slowly. And the best thing: zoom ring is super smooth and it is PARFOCAL!!! A fast zoom for action scene or a slow zoom for a poetic scene can be done.

    I think there is no best alternative to it. The combination of a good enough f/4 constant aperture with a complete zoom range, smooth zoom, parfocal and good continous face/eye autofocus, in a small and lighweight lens is just perfect.

    It is not a great low light alternative but fast prime lenses are made for this, and a 2.8 zoom will not improve low light so much.

    You can ask about shallow dof. Yes there is some background blur in 45mm f/4, enough to priorize the person face, but not too much. Shallow dof is not the main purpose of a zoom lens. This lens is great for video zoom, face focus tracking, gimbal and slider use, all focal lenght needed.

  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • f2.8 is a full stopp better than f4. So you can go down a full "stop" on the ISO.

    Not to mention the effects of diffraction in the MFT system and the resolution charts. Usually a f4 lens is softer.

  • This article talks about the advantages of Olympus f/4 pro lenses, including sharpness:

    I perceived it is impossible to get everything in only one zoom lens. 2.8 zooms is only 12-35mm range, no portrait closeup and expensive, or 12-40mm very big and heavy and also expensive. So you need to choose considering price, size, weight, zoom range, fstop, stabilization, smooth zoom, parfocal, and so on...

  • @apefos

    I don't believe that any of the Oly or Panasonic lenses are truly parfocal.

    Most likely electronically controlled to give the simulation of parfocal.