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Capitalism: Patents and COVID
  • Ancha Baranova, professor at the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University, called the problem complicating the fight against COVID-19.

    According to her, the modern patenting system does not allow putting on the market simple drugs that could help during the course of illness and during rehabilitation. “For example, if we have a simple molecule that we have in the body and we just need to get a little more of it, - it would seem an elementary task - but such a drug will not be developed. Because it cannot be patented, ”she explained.

    Baranova noted that this is a logical continuation of the general patenting system, which was introduced out of good intentions. However, the system is now "in crisis," the biologist said.

    The specialist said that the patenting system obliges to conduct several stages of clinical trials. This led to the fact that drug prices rose, and pharmaceutical companies ceased to be profitable to produce cheap drugs. In addition, drugs, the scheme of which was discussed by scientists in the open press, did not get into production, since in this case the agent could no longer be protected by a patent.

    Who could have though. But capitalism is not to blame here, of course. Just need to adjust patent system a little.