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Fascism: Right wing coup attempt in Belarus
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    People always have been the foolish victims of deception and self-deception in politics, and they always will be, until they have learned to seek out the interests of some class or other behind all moral, religious, political and social phrases, declarations and promises.

    V. Lenin.

    It is last country in Europe that has lot of big non privatized factories and not destroyed social infrastructure (lot of medical workers, fully free medicine, that showed better resluts than Sweden).

    Now large anough and further expanding capitalist class (consisting mostly of foolish small business owners) with support of their peers from all accross the world (including Mordor) want to establish open and clear dictatorship destroying and thus all social archivements.

    All flags (flag that they use had been used by Hitler forces during Belarus occupation), buses and all else had been paid by private business owners (same had been in 1991 and 2013-14). Venezuela attempt had been almost the same.

    Of course this class lie as shit promising exactly opposite things, opposite even to their open published programs, thus making people the foolish victims of deception and self-deception in politics...

    Pope Francis on Sunday called for justice and rights to be respected in Belarus. “I appeal for dialogue, to refuse violence and respect justice and rights,” the pontiff said in his Sunday Angelus message, speaking from his balcony in St. Peter’s Square.

    Opium of the people is here to help ruling class.

    800 x 474 - 119K
  • 2 Replies sorted by
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    In the West, Belarus is probably best known as “Europe’s last dictatorship.” Less recognized is that its transition from command to semi-market economy, delivered at the speed of a mud-bound tractor, has by some economic measures made this a better place to live than any other former Soviet republic, barring the three Baltic States that joined the European Union. Belarus scores better on inequality than any EU nation (including the likes of Denmark), and has a smaller percentage of people living on less than $5.50 per day, a World Bank measure of poverty, than any other part of what was once the Soviet Union, half of the EU’s 28 member states, or the U.S.

    800 x 458 - 43K
  • Amazing remark on how Biden gave her cookies (ala Victoria Nuland in Ukraine).


    589 x 488 - 49K