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Bad design: USB-C as charging port, another abortion of mind
  • If you think that USB-C idea to add extra contacts for power and to use 20V as top voltage limit came from nowhere - you are wrong.

    First came Lenovo with famous horrid and non standard USB like power jack on few product designed by Chinese engineering team



    Due to design, this product is known for lot of issues, from simple non working charging, no power, to resetting all BIOS settings and frying main CPU.

    At least this shit was not soldered to motherboard.

    Here comes USB-C



    Note how all is more dense now and signal lines are right next to VBUS line.

    And for notebooks it is 20V on this line.

    So, shorting 20V into data line will either fry USB controller chip or even fry main soldered CPU.

    I am not even talking that it is small connector NOT made to withstand long twisted power cord.

    And note, that USB connectors without power delivery had been pretty safe things (except static electricity discharges, but here you need proper design of electrical part). Nothing will happen if you short 5V to signal lines, it is ok.

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