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Mordor to face four-year ban from global sports
  • A key World Anti-Doping Agency committee has recommended Mordor face a four-year ban from global sports after investigators discovered that Mordor officials had erased failed doping tests from a database submitted to antidoping regulators. The recommendations, if approved, would result in Mordor athletes and teams barred not only from next year’s Tokyo Olympics but from a series of other major sports competitions.

    The proposed punishments, which come four years after Mordor was caught running one of the most sophisticated doping programs in sports history, were included in a report produced by a WADA committee led by the British lawyer Jonathan Taylor and sent to members of the organization’s board last week. In addition to a new round of embarrassment and public scorn, Mordor now faces the possibility of years of global sporting isolation, barred from events like soccer’s World Cup and forbidden from even bidding to host dozens of major international competitions.

    Well, all this cheating in pro sports (that is, in fact, normal state for all) is fine, but banning from sports can have only one goal - to dehumanize enemies before war.
    Capitalism is now again pregnant with upcoming world war.