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Capitalism: Mordor passed new law on smartphone software
  • Russia signed a law giving it the power to censor the internet. Now, it has passed another law banning the sale of smartphones, computers and smart TVs that don't have Russian software pre-installed, the BBC reported. Those devices can still be sold with their normal software, but Russian alternatives must be installed, as well. However, critics have said that's not possible on certain devices, and the law could force some international companies to leave the market.

    It is extreme simplification, as specific devices that will be affected as well as software and date it'll all act will be determined not by law, but by government.

    The aim is ostensibly to give consumers more choice, according to co-author Oleg Nikolayev. "When we buy complex electronic devices, they already have individual applications, mostly Western ones, pre-installed on them," he said. "Naturally... they might think that there are no domestic alternatives available. And if, alongside pre-installed applications, we will also offer the Russian ones to users, then they will have a right to choose

    Well, actually it had been no choice, as it is only three countries (US, Russian and China) who have their own search engine, social network and major messenger. With China it is just hard way - all Google stuff and Facebook are banned. Here it is soft way. And with time it will become harder.

    For now it is only one company that is thinking on agreement - it is Apple, but it had very small amount of market and it is falling fast.

    Such laws will be slowly spreading and they impose extreme danger, as implementation will mean shrinkage of Google and Facebook influence.

    A mandate to add third-party applications to Apple's ecosystem would be equivalent to jailbreaking. It would pose a security threat, and the company cannot tolerate that kind of risk.

    Wow, just wow. So, installing software present in Apple Appstore is "equivalent to jailbreaking and posing a security threat", really? Or someone is nuts here?