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Capitalism: Industry is not happy in making Google tricks public
  • WSJ wrote article about Google constantly adjusting their algorithms and that it is somehow always benefit their rich big friends and always hurt small and medium firms who are not their clients and not related to them.

    Search related industry did not like article at all. As all this industry is like swarm of parasites where Google excrements are their bread and butter each fucking day.

    Idea to make private and profit oriented search engine as main entry point was idiotic already. Same way as Amazon recently became entry point for US shopping. As none of this companies have any public interests even in 99th place in their list.

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  • Former CEO Eric Schmidt left his technical advisor position with Alphabet and Google in February, cutting his last official role at the company. It’s not certain what prompted the departure, but he has been increasing his work chairing advisory groups on military technology.

    Guy do same things at new place now.

    It is important to understand that with its specific custom ranking Goolge is equal to information weapon of mass destruction.