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Capitalism: Trump team - made for small people
  • Possible people taking cabinet positions


    • Bob Corker, Tennessee senator and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    • John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush
    • Newt Gingrich, Republican former U.S. House Speaker
    • Zalmay Khalilzad, former U.S. ambassador to Iraq
    • Rudy Giuliani, Republican former mayor of New York City


    • Rudy Giuliani, Republican former mayor of New York City
    • Jeff Sessions, senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee who takes a hard line on immigration
    • Chris Christie, Republican New Jersey governor
    • Pam Bondi, Republican Florida Attorney General
    • Trey Gowdy, Republican congressman from South Carolina who headed the House committee that investigated the 2012 attacks on the U.S. mission in * * * Benghazi, Libya


    • Steven Mnuchin, former Goldman Sachs executive and Trump's campaign finance chairman
    • Jeb Hensarling, Texas Republican congressman and chairman of the House Financial Services Committee
    • Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase & Co chief executive officer
    • Tom Barrack, founder and chairman of Colony Capital Inc


    • Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency
    • Stephen Hadley, former national security adviser under President George W. Bush
    • Jon Kyl, former Republican senator from Arizona
    • Jeff Sessions, Republican senator from Alabama and early Trump supporter, member of the Senate Armed Services Committee
    • Kelly Ayotte, outgoing Republican senator from New Hampshire and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee
    • Duncan Hunter, Republican congressman from California and early Trump supporter, member of House Armed Services Committee
    • Jim Talent, former Republican senator from Missouri who was on the Senate Armed Services Committee


    • Ben Carson, former neurosurgeon and 2016 Republican presidential candidate
    • Newt Gingrich
    • Rich Bagger, former pharmaceutical executive and former top aide to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie
    • Bobby Jindal, former Louisiana governor


    • Michael McCaul, U.S. Republican congressman from Texas and chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee
    • David Clarke, Milwaukee county sheriff and vocal Trump supporter
    • Joe Arpaio, outgoing Maricopa County, Arizona, sheriff who campaigned for Trump


    • Harold Hamm, Oklahoma oil and gas mogul, CEO of Continental Resources Inc
    • Larry Nichols, co-founder of Devon Energy Corp
    • James Connaughton, CEO of Nautilus Data Technologies and a former environmental adviser to President George W. Bush
    • U.S. Representative Kevin Cramer, of North Dakota
    • Robert Grady


    • Sarah Palin, Republican former Alaska governor who ran for vice president in 2008
    • Jan Brewer, former Arizona governor
    • Forrest Lucas, founder of oil products company Lucas Oil
    • Harold Hamm
    • Robert Grady


    • Linda McMahon, former world Wrestling Entertainment executive and two-time Senate candidate


    • Dan DiMicco, former chief executive of steel producer Nucor Corp

    It is easy to see that all this "new" people will get fresh start and will have interests of small people as absolute priority.

  • 62 Replies sorted by
  • What happened with "Trump promises to “drain the swamp” in D.C."??????...the same old GOP people....

  • What happened with "Trump promises to “drain the swamp” in D.C."??????

    Same thing that happened to populist statements of any previous president.
    In reality Trump is vivid representative of ruling class and will act only in the interest of same class.

  • hard to imagine how this ship of fools will be able to keep it together...

  • hard to imagine how this ship of fools will be able to keep it together...

    Let me rephrase your sentence to make it clear:

    Hard to imagine how bunch of theater actors will be running and rebuilding theater.

    Answer is that they won't - their task is to act, sign laws and make important face.

  • Lots of unknowns, for sure. IMHO, the proof is in the pudding and the ingredients are still being put into the recipe. I'm going to withhold judgment until after his first 100 days. The pudding will be set by then and we'll all have a taste.

  • I'm going to withhold judgment until after his first 100 days. The pudding will be set by then and we'll all have a taste.

    You mean that if you put horse shit and pigs heads in the stove you still need hope for miracle and expect pudding?

  • What happened with "Trump promises to “drain the swamp” in D.C."??????

    He did drain the swamp. These people were at the bottom of it.

  • "He'll get demolished in the primaries..." "He'll quit before the primaries end..." "He'll never get the nomination..." "He'll quit before the election..." "He'll never be President..." "The Clinton political machine is unstoppable..." "He'll lose in a landslide..." "He didn't know he had to staff the Whitehouse..." "He can't put together an administration..." "He'll never pass any legislation..."

    All the past and present Trump predictions are laughable. Luck doesn't win presidencies, it takes hard work and talent to get this far, especially when you are heavily outspent in campaign dollars and have zero experience "in the game."

    All the indicators thus far point to a historically successful run rather than a dismal failure. Better to reevaluate the presidential kick-off with the advantage of hindsight in 6 months.

  • @Tron

    The Force of mass media ideas is strong with you...

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev Mass-media has zero credibility, I don't even waste my time listening to their analysis. Let's face it, this monkey has more insight than the media "experts" -

  • @Tron

    I mean here second layer of mass media, also sponsored by main guys but made for not so dumb.

  • Mass-media had me convinced that Trump would loose, so whether they have credibility or not they are able to influence public opinion (at least mine). If it weren't for Wikileaks IMHO the election would have gone to Hillary. Mass-media now has less power/credibility/influence than when this election started because people were not able to get what they considered an unbiased opinion from them. I guess getting you news from the web and Youtube is alt-media, if there is a better word for it let me know.

  • you nailed Vitaliy!: "Trump is vivid representative of ruling class and will act only in the interest of same class"

    mass-media is about to make money, scandals...but for me the new "alt-media" mass-media is more scary....they manipulate reality to their own benefit, you will never know what is true or not. Breitbart, fox news, rush limbaugh, all of them liars...the best example of Goebbels propaganda for control the masses. Breitbart for example cry about First Amendment rights....but if you post a comments not according to their ideas they delete your comments...hypocrites!!!...Add to that the alt-right army trolls , white supremacist sites telling you to create many facebook fake account and then attack journalist, sites, fake comments etc......cyberwar is already here and will define people minds. and last but not least the evangelical hypocrites having a leader like trump who is anything but a Christian!!

  • I swear everybody wanted the election to be over, now I can't avoid hearing people talking about it, complaining about it, etc. I'm hoping to tune out until the inauguration.

    Some things I like about Trump is that he strikes me as an iconoclast who never seemed to be accepted in the New York elitest scene, but he was able to gatecrash his way into it in his his own way. I've watched a few seasons of the Apprentice and I like who he likes. For instance I've always been a big fan of Dennis Rodman. I've also liked how he's embraced Ben Carson in spite of the abject mocking Carson received for his idiosyncrasies.
    He's been underestimated throughout his whole life, and brilliantly kept his name and Brand relevant for 30+ years in the media.

    Bad things are that he's an absolute narcissist, has a history of screwing over investors and subcontractors, is a 'grab in the p***y' type, offers a nonzero possibility of checking out and letting some scary figures run the country, and offers a nonzero possibility of being a truly horrible leader. Of course, he could turn out to be a good leader as well. We'll have to wait and see

  • Of course, he could turn out to be a good leader as well. We'll have to wait and see


    Insanity - doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    Albert Einstein

  • @majoraxis is correct. The fact is the so-called mainstream media colluded with the Clinton campaign to push a narrative (propaganda) that they hoped would be true. Now that same cabal is trying to label the new or alt-media as "fake news" or (insert your favorite discrediting adjective) in order to prevent folks from gravitating toward those outlets that accurately describe current events and perform real analysis with facts.

  • @Tron

    Seem normal to me.

    One part of media has some small personal fight with other media including some that I called "second layer". It is not fight about values, it is fight about their common sponsors money.

  • I like to know how this list came about. What proof is there? Putting names on a list and calling it fact is naive. That is not journalism or common sense.

  • Same old shit. Different actor in the same theatre.

  • @Caveport I think most people still don't understand the Trump presidency. We know the media is owned by the corporate powers so why would they attack Trump if he was just business as usual? Nope look at the first 100 days and what he has planned to do against the corrupt system. The truth is Christie was booted because he was bringing in too many of his lobbyist friends. Will the press applaud Trump if he does these anti Lobbyist actions and effectively end much of the core corruption in American politics?

    *And I will be the first one to attack him if he doesn't try to push these things through.

  • @Tron Dead on. Its sad so many 'left wing' morons think they are reading some kind go progressive news when actually they are getting key ideas from globalists who don't give a flying f%&k about Race, culture, women rights....these things are lipstick on a pig.

  • @LukV ironically that list is based on true investigate citizen journalism...the most honest we have today.

    Its the list that put alt right news outlets who's only crime was to oppose the government that was created by some random left wing professor based on zero facts.

    What we are seeing is slight of hand, accuse Trump of fake news while censoring them while the real fake news gets promoted.

  • @suresure123 ironically that list is based on true investigative citizen journalism....the most honest we have that a joke? Or is that your opinion, (true investigative citizen journalism....the most honest we have today) ,because it sure is not fact or journalism. If you go outside and tell us it's raining that could be true for you but when I go outside I might see sunshine. I might then want to get someone else who lives near you to verify. On this site there are people who look at camera specs and their lists from the manufacture and we don't take them as facts we verify. I get it, you like Trump but I'm taking a wait and see approach and verify. Oh by the way just as many "right wing" morons out there who believe it's always raining or there are "these people" out to get them, that might be true or they might be diluted.

  • @suresure123 @LukeV

    Note, here is not flame topic. So not Trump love or hate things.

    It is far below PV level.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev

    I don't hate Trump or love him. I truly want him to succeed. I don't believe we were going far below PV level but I respect your in put. I just won't stand for opinion as a fact or journalism. Yes the media made mistakes and they lost trust with many people but it's up to us to verify. We have a press that has to balance making money and tell us the fasts as they see them. That's the problem when some have an agenda using there power or influence to manipulate the facts. This problem has always existed and will continue. Now we can choose to believe them or not but now some are saying they are not to be believed at all and only believe these other (true investigative citizen journalism....the most honest we have today) Please! They are in the same boat. Lets do our due diligence and verify. Thanks