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No mid-range digital cameras in US$300-400 range introduced at 3Q14
  • No mid-range digital cameras for sale at US$300-400 were launched in the global market in the third quarter of 2014 possibly due to increasing competition from smartphones, according to Digitimes Research.

    Among seven major Japan-based digital camera vendors, Nikon, Sony and Olympus did not launch new consumer models in the third quarter.

  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • Good news. They produce too many models as it is.

  • Good news. They produce too many models as it is.

    It is not good news, as part of it comes from simple price rise and other part from focus on premium model having bigger margins. Just try to read any yearly or quarter report from the companies. Their margins rise.

  • Some people may think offering 6 models of cameras between $100-$700 is a good thing; I'm not one of those people.

    Many people were saddened when GM stopped making Oldsmobiles and Pontiacs. Personally I felt GM had too many lines and models as it was. The balance sheets and the market agreed.