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    Energy: Coal and evolution
    • Coal is nothing more than the energy of the Sun, which fell on the planet more than 300 million years ago. Transformed by the distant ancestors of modern spruces and birches into organic matter in the process of photosynthesis, buried under a layer of rocks, converted into almost pure carbon, she patiently waited for her hour. Carbon dioxide produced by burning coal is the same gas that plants absorbed more than 300 million years ago, converting it into organic matter.

      Most of the coal deposits on the planet date back to a fairly narrow geological period. It is called so - coal, and it covers the period from 360 to 300 million years ago. There was something special at that time, something like that, why we hardly find coal beds outside this period. To understand the reasons for this phenomenon, it is necessary to study the mechanism of coal formation. Understand what specific substances play a role in this process, and what conditions they need to create. Of course, the most important molecule in this story is lignin.

      Lignin is inherently not a simple molecule; it is a very complex, branched polymer with an extremely irregular structure.

      Different monomers in lignin are randomly linked to other monomers, resulting in a giant, branched and very strong structure.

      An important feature of lignin is that it is inedible. It is because of the very complex, irregular structure of the molecule that the chances of digesting it are extremely small. Enzymes, which usually specialize in breaking the same type of bonds of relatively simple molecules, simply cannot cope with such a cumbersome and irregular structure.

      For the first time in the evolutionary history of plants, lignin appears at the end of the Devonian period, and it was at this time that the formation of the first coal beds can be observed. Later, in the Carboniferous period, plants appear on the planet that synthesize this biopolymer on a truly industrial, planetary scale, inaccessible to the modern biosphere, not to mention man.

      Interestingly, the ratio of the mass of the bark, consisting of almost pure lignin, to the mass of wood in dry land plants of that time could be from 8: 1 to 20: 1, which is insanely large compared to the modern one, no more than 1: 4.

      In the late Devonian period, the plant kingdom invented lignin. This allowed plants to become full-fledged masters of land, rise above the surface of the earth, break away in an evolutionary race from their competitors and defend themselves from enemies. The side effect was that the plants simply stopped decaying. Not a single living organism on the planet, as it turned out, could digest lignin, could not use it as an energy source. And this is an extremely unusual situation.

      There are not many living organisms capable of "digesting" the lignin molecule today. These are mainly mushrooms. We can see them in the forest on the trunks of trees, slowly but surely transforming their obsolete plant into dust and humus. This is the so-called "white mold", which is one of the main "destroyers" of lignin in our wooden dwellings. In the Carboniferous period, there was no white mold.

      This is too complex and irregular a molecule to be "hacked" and broken down into its constituents available for energy extraction.

      Perhaps it was this fact, and not at all the peculiarities of the climate, that played a decisive role in providing people with fossil fuels. Today, any dead tree turns into dust very quickly, and at that time it could not physically decompose. Imagine for a moment. The planet, for tens of millions of years immersed in a multi-meter layer of non-decomposable biological waste, accumulating every year, sinking deeper under the pressure of the upper layers.

      This hypothesis, put forward quite a long time ago on the basis of a number of geological findings, finds today more clear confirmation at the genetic level. The researchers compared the genomes of 31 types of fungi that can digest lignin. We found in them the regions responsible for the synthesis of enzymes that destroy lignin, and traced the evolution of these regions back in time, to the first common ancestor who received such an ability. The time was dated using the technique of the so-called "molecular clock".

      The methodology is based on the scientifically justified assumption that, despite the randomness of mutations, there is a certain average frequency with which they are observed. Estimating the difference in the genome of related and not so species and knowing the frequency of mutations, it is possible to establish the approximate date of their divergence along different branches of the evolutionary tree. Applying this technique to mushrooms, it was found that the mushroom's acquisition of the ability to digest lignin dates back, no more, no less, to the end of the Carboniferous period. About 300 million years ago, the first living organisms finally saw through the protection invented by plants.

      Lignin finally became the same food as any other organic matter. Plants are vulnerable again. Not only dead wood, living plants also became food for mushrooms and were forced to evolve further, coming up with new ways to protect themselves from new enemies.


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    War: EU car market collapse, elites think that you don't need your own car
    • The European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA) reports on the situation in the European car markets:

      • car sales in the EU collapse for the 5th month in a row, the decline in November was 20.3%
      • The total number of sales in November was 713346, which is the lowest level ever since the collection of these statistics, i.e. at least since 1993
      • a double-digit drop was recorded, in particular, in Germany (-31.7%), Italy (-24.6%) and Spain (-12.3%)
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    War: Google Drive won't allow you to store files Google don't like
    • Google has announced new terms of use for its proprietary cloud storage Google Drive, according to which the search giant will soon begin to restrict access to files that, in its opinion, violate company policy. According to the blog, Google will soon take active steps to identify such files.

      The search giant classified files as inappropriate content from cybercriminals, such as malware, hate speech, sexually explicit documents, and files that could be dangerous to children.

      Google says that once it receives notification of a potential policy violation, the company's experts will review the content and take action such as restricting access, deleting a file, or completely stopping a user from accessing the search giant's products.

      They always start with children.

      Next will be all software where you didn't provide license details, after this they will start to inspect documents and files from wrong views.

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    MAGA: We have to kill some Russians
    • Gallego and other members of the delegation — Reps. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.), Salud Carbajal (D-Calif.), Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) and Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) — are calling on the president to move faster to send lethal military aid to Ukraine.

      Gallego said the people of Ukraine have "the will to fight, the capabilities and the skills" to fend off Russia, but the U.S. must provide them with Javelin and Stinger missiles, drones and other equipment.

      Maximum deterrence "means we have to kill some Russians," Gallego said on CNN Sunday, while he was still in Kyiv. "They only understand pure power. And we have to give the Ukrainian army and special forces the ability to do that."

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    Mordor: Crypto scam will be used as reason to hike prices for electricity
    • Consumption of the residential sector is growing rapidly across the country as well. For the second year in a row, the population has been increasing electricity consumption by an average of 4–6%, says a Kommersant source familiar with the statistics. Moreover, the share of the category with consumption over 600 kWh per month is about 40% of the total.

      According to Rosseti, the consumption of the population is growing by 5% for the second year in a row: in 2020, the supply rate was 111 billion kWh, in 2021, 117 billion kWh is expected.

      The main complaint of power engineers against illegal miners is the payment of electricity at low tariffs set for the population. Numerous complaints from market participants forced regulators to return to the long-standing and sensitive problem of the industry - cross-subsidization (when businesses compensate for the reduced tariffs of the population). The amount of the subsidy is growing every year. In 2019-2020, businesses paid extra 237 billion rubles for the population, and in 2021 the figure will already reach 241 billion rubles, Kommersant was told in the Market Council (regulator of energy markets). And now the industry is subsidizing not only citizens, but also the very lucrative production of cryptocurrency.

      But it is not easy for regulators to decide on such reforms: any form of increase or some kind of restriction of energy tariffs for the population causes serious social tension. Moreover, "farming" is not developing in the richest regions.

      As a result, the Ministry of Energy says that the decision to differentiate tariffs for the population "refers to socio-economic policy" and should be made at the government level. Now they are talking about a compromise: increased tariffs for volumes "beyond reasonable for household consumption," say the Council of Energy Producers.


    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevDecember 2021Last reply - December 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Gas and nuclear are declared halal, will coal join them soon?
    • The European Commission (EC) until the end of 2021 recognizes that the atom and natural gas are environmentally friendly sources of energy. This was announced on Friday by the acting Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Andrei Babis at a press conference, summing up the results of the work of his cabinet, which in a few hours will transfer power to the government of Prime Minister Petr Fiala.

      “At three in the morning [Friday] I returned from a meeting of the European Council. The President of the European Commission [Ursula von der Leyen] promised that by the end of this year the EC will implement an act that will confirm that the atom and gas are [environmentally friendly] energy sources with low emissions, " - Babiš said.

      Who could have though even one year ago...

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