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    Hunger: US aim for huge oil prices
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      Due to big drop of oil production in Russia due to US induced sanction, as well as lack of other energy, like gas that will be replaced now by oil.

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    Hunger: India bans wheat exports
    • India has banned the export of wheat, the ban takes effect immediately, the Indian Ministry of Commerce and Industry said.

      "Wheat export policy... 'ban' with immediate effect," the ministry said in a statement.

      The ministry noted that exports would be permitted "in case of shipments in which an irrevocable letter of credit was issued on or before the date of this notice", and based on the permission of the Government of India to meet the food security needs of other countries "based on the request of their governments" .

      “Given the sudden surge in world wheat prices due to many factors, which puts the food security of India, neighboring and other vulnerable countries at risk…, the Government of India is committed to ensuring the food security of India, neighboring and other vulnerable developing countries, which are negatively affected by sudden changes in the global wheat market and who cannot access adequate supplies of wheat," the ministry said.

      Earlier, the Indian authorities revised the forecast for wheat production in 2021-2022, reducing it by 5.7%, to 105 million tons, due to the early start of summer, which affected crop yields.

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    Google blocked mobile Chrome updates in Russia
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      Main idea can be to use known vulnerabilities for mass attacks on mobile users.

      I can't think about anything else, as Goolge should be deleting and stopping Chrome functioning otherwise.

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    Italy: Being poor is new normal
    • A record 4.28 million people are below the poverty line in Italy

      Italian authorities fear public tension and riots due to high prices and post-pandemic tensions. At the moment, 12% of people in Italy are below the poverty line, these are mostly ordinary workers, Labor Minister Orlando announced. This is 4% more than the pre-pandemic indicators of 2019, when 3 million people were recognized as the poorest in the country.

      In 2019, the Italian authorities acknowledged that the main cause of poverty is the lack of jobs. But now, of course, “Russia is to blame for everything!” with its Ukrainian conflict. The Minister of Labor, in an interview with the Italian press, said that big problems appeared on the labor market due to the price hike.

      By the way, the cost of gas increased by 628% compared to pre-pandemic prices, which is reflected in the cost of production and products, writes Il Messaggero.

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    China: Cracking up on children donations
    • The Chinese Radio and Television Administration has published new rules for broadcasting on the Internet: children under 16 are now prohibited from sending donations to streamers and watching live broadcasts after 22:00.

      Sending money, more specifically, virtual gifts that can then be exchanged for money, to streamers is a common practice. And now, platforms that organize broadcasting on the Web are ordered to prohibit users under the age of 16 from purchasing and sending such gifts.

      The regulator justified the next tightening of the regulatory framework by the fact that live broadcasts, to the authors of which money is sent, damage the mental and physical health of underage viewers. This is not the first time Beijing has imposed restrictions on streaming: in July last year, children under 16 years of age were banned from appearing in any live video broadcasts, and minors were also banned from being persuaded to receive any material income using the Internet.

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    Apple products in Russia: No service, no software
    • For now you can't buy and install any paid software on IPhones or IPads.

      Also all service literally stopped, including Macbooks, Apple still sometimes replace some devices, but most of the time reject replacement. Parts are mostly not supplied.

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    Almost 45% of Russians surveyed thought about switching to freelancing
    • This is stated in the results of a joint study of the and SberUslugi services, conducted in April among 4,120 residents of all Russian regions.

      “44% of respondents in Russia thought about switching to freelancing. 19% of respondents indicated that they definitely would not want to work in this format. Another 37% of study participants noted that they had not thought about it yet,” the survey results say.

      Respondents could point to several benefits of freelancing. Among them, the leader was the possibility of remote work - this item was chosen by 79% of respondents. 78% singled out the opportunity to independently determine the work schedule. Almost half (46%) of the study participants indicated that freelancing can work on several projects at once, and 44% of respondents this format allows you to earn more. For 36% of respondents, freelancing makes it possible to move to another city or country, and 9% of respondents are sure that it is easier to work in this format. In the "Other" option, 2% of respondents most often indicated that freelancing allows them to spend more time on hobbies and family.

      Speaking about the specialties that Russians are considering for freelancing, a quarter of respondents (26%) indicated that they could do repairs in private. Another 18% of respondents are ready to provide educational services, and 17% preferred the sphere of beauty and health. 16% of the study participants said that they can provide services in the field of IT, 14% - in design or marketing, 10% - in the field of foreign languages ​​(translations and text preparation). Another 5% of respondents indicated the possibility of working privately as specialists in the field of sports. In the "Other" option, 28% of respondents often mentioned the areas of jurisprudence, accounting, construction and security.

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