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    Weekend fun: Afganistan and media
      • Bloody terrorists broke into Kandahar
      • Islamist barbarians go to Kunduz
      • Militants entered Jalalabad
      • The Taliban forces have occupied Mazar-i-Sharif
      • The liberators supported by the people are approaching Talukan
      • The prophet-blessed forces of the mujahideen are expected today in their faithful Kabul

      All you ever need to know about media guys are shown above :-)

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    War: Meet your future - no salary and blocked smartphone if you are not vaccinated
    • The government of the Pakistani province of Punjab plans to block the SIM cards of residents who are not vaccinated against Covid-19.

      The decision was taken during a meeting led by Dr. Yasmin Rashid, the provincial health minister, on Thursday. She said the Punjab government is using all available resources to ensure that residents are vaccinated.

      The final decision has been made to block the mobile SIM cards of people who are not vaccinated,” agency spokesman Sayed Hammad Raza told the Pakistani newspaper Dawn.

      The move follows the federal government's decision to stop paying salaries to its employees who have not received the Covid-19 vaccine starting in July.

      All, 100% of it, will come to US and EU soon.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevAugust 2021Last reply - August 2021 by firstbase Subscribe to this blog
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    COVID: Meet new kind of extremist - everyone who still is able to think
    • Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of the United States, dedicated to assessing threats to the country in the terrorist sphere.

      They started from the joker.

      According to the ministry, opponents of the United States have intensified their attempts to "sow discord" in society. “For example, Russian, Chinese and Iranian government-affiliated media have repeatedly reinforced conspiracy theories regarding the origin of COVID-19 and the effectiveness of vaccines".

      This motherfuckers just cited scientific research done by UK and US scientists, but big farma doesn't like it - so let's call them extremists.

      This is stated in the document of the US Department of Homeland Security (DIA), dedicated to the assessment of threats to the country in the terrorist sphere.

      Or even better - terrorists.

      Until the end of the year, aggressive extremists will remain a priority national threat to the United States, it is people who have the courage to speak out against the authorities statements. They may even have a different position on the pandemic. Thus, they will provoke public dissatisfaction with the restrictions imposed on the fight against infection.

      Motherfuckers. Aggressive extremists.

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    COVID kills male reproductive system
    • Researchers led by specialists from the National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I. Kulakov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, City Clinical Hospital No. 15 and MIPT described the reproductive ability of 50 men aged 22 to 50 years. The scientists analyzed the spermograms of the study participants, their blood tests and hormonal profile, as well as the genetic makeup of the sperm.

      "Sperm quality after COVID-19 is statistically significantly worsening," the agency cites the work of the researchers. The genes associated with the processes of energy production in mitochondria were especially affected, scientists say.

      Better and better.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevAugust 2021Last reply - August 2021 by endotoxic Subscribe to this blog
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    War: US is a failed state, China says
    • According to a report recently released by three Chinese think tanks, the United States is a "failed country", "a country where the virus is spreading" and "a suspected source of the outbreak". And this is a completely different picture from the one painted by corrupt American media, according to the American Inside website on Tuesday.

      The website cited a report titled "USA Comes First ?! The Truth About US Fighting COVID-19." It was released on Monday and contains material from the Chongyang Institute of Financial Research at the People's University of China, the Taihe Institute and the Intellisia Institute.

      Chinese reports have revealed facts about the US government's response to COVID-19 and denied Bloomberg's latest global anti-epidemic rankings, which ranked the United States as the "# 1 worldwide" coronavirus resistance index in June.

      The US rating as the "first country in the world" in responding to a pandemic "ignores the basic fact that the US has the highest number of cases and deaths from a pandemic in the world," the authors of the report said at a press conference.

      The Chinese report cites facts and data published by several US media outlets, including The New York Times, The Washington Post and CNN, in their analysis of the country's response to the pandemic.

      Aside from deepening inequalities in wealth, systemic racism, and failures in gun control, the United States has effectively failed in its response to the pandemic in many ways. In addition, the “virus tracing terrorism” that has emerged in the country should be investigated, as it is an attempt to manipulate “global public opinion,” the authors said.

      The report also mentioned a suspicious military biological laboratory at Fort Detrick in the US state of Maryland, which was closed in August 2019 for security reasons.

      A worldwide call to study the relationship between the origins of the coronavirus and the American Biological Laboratory at Fort Detrick has gained momentum. Recently in the Philippines, an online petition to investigate the biolaboratory at Fort Detrick collected nearly 500 signatures.


    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevAugust 2021Last reply - August 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Green energy: New Zealand Power Outage
    • New Zealand cut power to thousands of homes across the North Island without notice late Monday.

      The outages occurred as record demand coincided with insufficient generation, which resulted in the need to reduce demand to maintain system security. The surge in demand happened mostly due to a sharp drop in temperatures as the country was buffeted by a winter storm.

      Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern wants New Zealand to be generating all of its electricity from renewable sources such as hydro, wind or geothermal steam by 2030. Critics have warned that removing coal or gas-powered plants from the system could expose supply to greater risk of disruption.

      There was a “commercial constraint” in the market because Genesis Energy opted to have one of its gas-fired units at its Huntly plant standing idle.

      Genesis had believed the unit wouldn’t be needed based on other capacity in the system but there was an unexpected outage at a central North Island plant, then wind generation dropped because of still conditions. That left insufficient power to meet the surge in demand.

      Meet your bright future. And this guys only cut around 20% of coal and gas plans for now. They plan to destroy all of them pretty soon.

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