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    China: Left turn continues
    • A Chinese state-controlled business media outlet, reported that President Xi had "stressed that common prosperity is an essential requirement of socialism" and called for "its advancement" while also "pursuing high-quality development" during the Aug. 17 meeting of the Central Committee for Financial and Economic Affairs.

      Caixin also explained how the CCP is already implementing President Xi's vision for a more egalitarian (financially speaking, at least) society. The recent changes are related to school districts, after-school tutoring, property tax pilot programs and an expansion of anti-trust enforcement and other measures to tackle "reckless capitalism".

      Because of the rapid growth, China is facing a wealth inequality crisis.

      The high cost of urban living has contributed to a sharp slowdown in births, prompting China this year to allow families to have up to three children instead of two.



      If you ask me - crackdown on small and medium business owners and big companies managers is a must, they must have their salaries cut by 5-10 times.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevAugust 2021Last reply - September 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Genocide with good intentions
    • The UN has warned that Madagascar is at risk of becoming the first country where global warming has caused widespread famine. Tens of thousands of locals are already starving due to a four-year drought.

      Did they have such droughts before? Yep, they had.

      According to UN estimates, thirty thousand people are suffering from catastrophic hunger. There are fears that the number of victims could rise sharply, as the country begins the traditional "lean season" before harvesting. “This is unprecedented. These people have done nothing to cause climate change. They do not burn fossil fuels ... and yet they bear the brunt of change, ”said Shelley Takral of the UN World Food Program.

      Thirty thousand from 27 millions. It is percentage that is less than many very rich countries.

      And note how fossil fuels had been designated as main cause of issues. If not the fertilizers and fossil fuels for cars it will be exactly all 27 millions that iwll starve.

      So, this UN clerks must be put is special jail for lifetime.

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    War: Samsung is blocking all cameras if you touch bootloader
    • Samsung’s new Galaxy Z Fold 3 smartphone will automatically disable the cameras on the device if you unlock the bootloader in an attempt to root the device.

      According to ianmacd, the cameras will work again if you relock the bootloader before installing a custom ROM. This suggests, as XDA Developers notes, that the lock is likely a ‘software-level obstacle,’ which could likely be addressed in the future. But, as ianmacd says in his post, it’s also possible the cameras could be ‘disabled in other ways, too,’ even if a software workaround is found.

      It is quote clear where it all is going.

      For my opinion any non full open source OS and full open source drivers must be prohibited to exist on either smartphones or computers. And this is only one small requirement, as with present complexity open source means not much by itself.

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    Energy: On decarbonization players
    • The reason why coal is used: unlike oil and gas, coal is distributed more or less evenly around the planet. There are significantly fewer countries where it does not exist than countries where it is. The question is not to supply it to the international market, but to use it for yourself. It is more convenient than gas; there is no need for pipelines or transportation by any means of transport. In the end, there is no need to equip underground gas storage facilities, to comply with the requirements of the third energy package. Where Mother Nature has allowed, there will be UGH. And it is not always where there are industrial centers, accordingly, it is necessary to install pipelines, and all this is quite expensive. Nothing like that with coal.

      The whole story with the decarbonization of coal comes from countries where coal reserves have either run out or are running out. The activists are England and Germany, which had significant coal reserves, but they simply ran out. The initiative is clear: “We have no coal, we cannot supply it to you and get into this business, we don’t like it”.

      This is reality.

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    China: Genocide is performed by extreme reduction of birthrate
      • Analysis of local government data showed that newborns have fallen by 17 percent in some regions in the first half of the year
      • Chinese mothers gave birth to 12 million babies last year (2020), down from 14.65 million in 2019, marking an 18 percent decline year on year

      The number of babies born in China this year may drop to the lowest since at least 1950, according to Jefferies Financial Group, one of the reasons why the government is cracking down on industries like education to bring down costs and promote bigger families.

      Extending that drop to the whole country means “there is a risk that newborns might fall below 10 million in 2021”, falling another 20% year on year.


      So, China is in reality most COVID affected country, contrary to official statistics. Just contrary to old sick people in this country it took form of never born healthy babies.

    8 comments 9 comments Vitaliy_KiselevAugust 2021Last reply - November 2021 by Meierhans Subscribe to this blog
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    Weekend sex: Elites and female sexuality conspiracy
    • I think we have some kind of conspiracy considering female sexual development.

      Just look at this list:

      • Virginity is still kind of important and is promoted by mainstream media
      • Constant reference on how awful for children to watch porn or real sex, inventing various blocking systems
      • Feminists initially and now all main media tell young girls to care only about clit
      • Constant repeating of "getting orgasm is hard" and "up to 80% females can't have it without additional stimulation"
      • Constant pushing of "arousal-plato-orgasm-release" old Masters stuff
      • Constant pushing of one and done man style approach to masturbation and sex
      • Telling girls that orgasm is just some feeling and not related to physical muscles
      • Telling girls that it is something universal and automatic and all you need is to learn to push button, LOL
      • Shaming girls for masturbation, even if not shaming telling you that spending time on it is bad and unproductive
      • Shaming anal sex and masturbation and telling that it is painful thing
      • Horrible sexual education or even lack of it in many countries

      Reality is:

      • 99,9% of generally healthy females can get almost unlimited amount of orgasms
      • 99,9% of girls need intense learning and proper education from very young age, instead of shaming them
      • For centuries in all poor families (97% of population) children saw their parents and other family members having sex, nothing bad happened with them
      • Situation with sex and female orgasms in many primitive tribes are much much better due to no shame and open teaching and training
      • Most girls watch porn well below 12 years, as it is just to hard now to not even accidentally find it
      • Girls first orgasm happens frequently well below 10 years age, lot of girls masturbate from 3-4 years even not knowing that it is
      • Clitoris is same tissue that forms penis in man, it is connected to same nerves and same brain processing as penis, it even causes exact same contractions of same muscles during orgasm
      • So called g-spot is actually spongy tissue around urethra and it is same tissue that forms prostate in man, it is connected to different nerves and different brain processing compared to clitoris (same is true for anal receptors)
      • With proper stimulation g-spot become engorged and after training almost 100% of girls can cum any number of times from it, until they are physically or mentally drained
      • Lot of girls squirt from g-spot stimulation, after training they tell that most intense in their life orgasms happen during very hard squirting, because fluid expands urethra and causes fast and sharp contraction of tissue
      • Vaginal walls, especially on entry part, themselves have around 50% of nerve endings that clitoris have
      • Cervix orgasms are real thing, can be done to almost any female. It includes direct stimulation or p-spot or a-spot.
      • Around 40% girls without training can cum from pure anal stimulation, with training it is almost 100%
      • Around 25% girls without training can cum from nipple and breast stimulation, with training it is almost 100%
      • Around 10% girls without training can cum from usual kissing or neck kissing, with training it is almost 80%
      • Muscles and general fitness play extremely important role in orgasms, as girl learn to tense and relax properly it is whole body that is taking part in the orgasm. With trained girl you can tell intensity of orgasm looking at the intensity of her shaking.

      Most important part:

      Our biggest sex related organ is.. brain. If you have proper training, especially in proper age (for female it is their hormones peak and starting 2 years before it) you will have completely different connections in your brain, as each erogenous zone related neuron will make billions of new axons and dendrites. Such way perceived intensity can be much much higher. So, while you physically can look similar to your peers - your perception will differ extremely. In later age training needs much more time and effort but works the same.

      Elites goal is to minimize time dedicated to sex and masturbation. Hence why we have all points mentioned in the first list. They don't want girls to masturbate or have sex for 1-2 hours a day, cumming 20, 30 or even 100 times, as it is really bad for them. But thing is that if they want to learn they can do it, some quite fast and for some it takes many months. But it works.

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