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    War: Firefox turns into trash that will force to you see ads
    • Mozilla now displays ads directly in the Firefox address bar as contextual suggestions. This innovation has already been noticed by US users. Mozilla says the feature was introduced in Firefox 92 in September and is allowing the company to raise funds for browser development.

      According to Mozilla, “Starting with Firefox 92, users will receive new, relevant offers from trusted partners based on what they are looking for. No user data will be collected, stored or passed on to third parties to make new recommendations. "

      Although the company's blog posts introducing a new feature called Firefox Suggest were published in September, it was first mentioned in the Firefox 93 changelog two days ago and presented as "a faster way to navigate the web." Mozilla says it will only work with partners that comply with Firefox's privacy standards, with adMarketplace being the company's preferred partner for the time being.


    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevOctober 2021Last reply - October 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: Top search engines killed forums on purpose
    • Narrow professional or specialized forums were cleaned purposefully and deliberately, preparing space for for social networks. For this we used search engine filters (Minusinsk. Penguin). I watched the process from the inside. It took several years to understand that attempts were in vain and the result was a foregone conclusion. Similar processes have occurred with electronic libraries, but they have their own specifics, who understood it in time - survived.

      Citation of former search engine worker.

      I got same info from top manager who had super contact in Google. He said that Google had special secret program inside that slowly decreased ranking of any specialized forum. Forums about computer games, films, sex and similar had been excluded from the list.

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    Weekend sex: Monster Pub - vibrator with nice software
    • image

      Software is really amazing in practice. Gesture control is unmatched. Long distance control working despite some chinese translation fun. Strongly suggest Whale variant for both 1st and 2nd versions.

      According to my female partner it is best vibrator for outside hidden use that we had yet. Note that Premoum version also has force sensor for kegels. If your girl didn't do such exercises - it can be good reason to start talking about them.


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    War: US authorities started to suspect cartel on semiconductors market
    • The US government is reportedly demanding confidential data and information from foundries including TSMC and Samsung, a move that could offend major US vendors such as Apple and Qualcomm who partner with the foundries, according to sources in Taiwan's.

      Cartel is very big possibility and can be even major cause of components shortage.

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    Good quote: On Sexual intercourse
    • Sexual intercourse should not be viewed as something shameful and sinful, but as natural as other needs of a healthy organism, such as hunger and thirst. Such phenomena should not be judged as moral or immoral.

      Alexandra Kollontai

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    China: Ban on all live streams for young stars
    • The South China Morning Post writes that China's State Council has presented a new set of national guidelines as part of a 10-year plan for child development. These directives state that Internet services, including live streaming channels, should strive to limit the time and amount of money children spend on the Internet.** Live broadcast providers had been ordered to stop allowing children under 16 to participate in live broadcasts. These rules will be enforced through a nationwide unified identification system that will monitor how minors play games.

      Not bad.

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